Saturday, August 31, 2019
Native Americans in the United States Essay
Dentify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. Government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90 After completing this lesson, you will be able to evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. Government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90After completing this lesson, you will be able to evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. Government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 14
Every week passed more or less quietly. Grandma Harman came home, her cough better. She didn't seem to notice anything different about Thea. Night came earlier, and everyone at school talked about parties and costumes. The air got colder and there was an announcement that the old gym would be opened for Halloween. Thea heard that Randy Marik had been moved to a psychiatric hospital and was in intensive therapy. He was making some progress. Thea and Eric worked every day on their plan. The only real excitement came the night when Thea walked in, sat on Blaise's bed, and said, â€Å"Bullets won't stop him.†â€Å"What?†Blaise looked up from creaming her elbows. â€Å"I mean, spells won't stop him. Eric. They just bounce off. I'm telling you this because you're going to notice that he's not with Mar.†Blaise snapped the tube of cream shut. She stared at Thea for a full minute before she said tightly, â€Å"What are you saying?†Thea's humor drained away. She looked at the floor. â€Å"I'm saying we're soulmates,†she said quietly. â€Å"And that I can't help it. There is really, truly, nothing I can do about it.†â€Å"I can't believe, after all that-†â€Å"Right. After all that work. And after me trying and trying to stop, because I'm scared to death. But there's no way to fight it, Blaise. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I've got to find some way to try to live with it.†She looked at her cousin. â€Å"Okay?†â€Å"You know it's not okay. You know it's completely not okay.†â€Å"I guess what I mean is, okay, will you please not kill him or turn us in? Because I can't stand being in another fight with you. And I can't stop breaking the law.†Blaise tossed the cream jar in the direction of the dresser. â€Å"Thea, are you all right?†she said, seriously. â€Å"Because you're acting very†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Fatalistic?†â€Å"Fatalistic and generally scary.†â€Å"I'm okay. I just†¦ I don't know what's going to happen, but I am sort of†¦ calm. I'm going to do my best. Eric's going to do his best. And beyond that, nothing's guaranteed.†Blaise stared for another minute, her gray eyes searching Thea's face. Then she shook her head. â€Å"I won't turn you in. You know I would never turn you in. We're sisters. And as for trying to kill him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She shrugged, looking grim. â€Å"It probably wouldn't work. That guy is impossible.†â€Å"Thank you, Blaise.†Thea touched her cousin's arm lightly. Blaise covered Thea's hand with her own red-nailed fingers, just for a moment. Then she sat back and straightened her pillows with a little jerk. â€Å"Just don't tell me anything, all right? I wash my hands of you two and I don't want to know what's going on. Besides, I've got worries of my own. I have to decide between a Maserati and a Karmann Ghia.†Halloween. Thea looked out the window at the darkened world. There weren't any kids in the alley, but she knew they were flitting around the city. Goblins and ghosts and witches and vampires-all fakes. Real vampires were sitting inside at fireplaces, or maybe at exclusive parties, chuckling. And real witches were getting dressed for their Samhain Circles. Thea put on a white shift, sleeveless, made out of one piece of material. She pulled a soft white belt around her waist and made a loop pointing up with one side of the tie, then wrapped the other end around the base of the loop three times. A thet knot. Witches had used them for four thousand years. She took a breath and looked outside again. Enjoy the peace while you can, she told herself. It's going to be a busy night. Eric's jeep pulled into the alley. The horn honked once. Thea grabbed the backpack, which had been stuffed under her bed. It was full of materials. Oak, ash, quassia chips, blessed thistle, mandrake root. The hardened residue from the bronze bowl, which she had painstakingly scraped off with one of Blaise's art knives. A wooden seal, also carved with Blaise's tools. And an ounce vial with three precious drops of summoning potion stolen from the malachite bottle. She started for the stairs. â€Å"Hey, are you leaving already?†Blaise said, emerging from the bathroom. â€Å"You've got-what?-an hour and a half before Circle.†Blaise looked gorgeous, and more herself than at any other time of year. Her shift was black, also sleeveless, also made in one piece. Her hair hung loose to her hips, woven with little bells. Her arms were pale and beautiful against the darkness of hair and shift, and she was barefoot, wearing one ankle bracelet. â€Å"I'm going to run out and do something before Circle,†Thea said. â€Å"Don't ask me what.†Blaise of course didn't know what Thea and Eric were planning. Not even Dani knew. It was better that way. â€Å"Thea†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Blaise stood at the top of the stairs and looked down as Thea dashed out. â€Å"You be careful!†Thea waved at her cousin. The back of the jeep was full of wood. â€Å"I thought I'd better bring some more, just in case we need it,†Eric said, throwing her backpack in. Then he added in a different voice, â€Å"You look- amazing-like that.†She smiled at him. â€Å"Thanks. It's traditional. You look nice, too.†He was wearing the costume of a seventeenth-century French soldier at Ronchain-or as close as they could get from looking at woodcuts in old books. They drove into the desert, past the huge bare cliffs, off the main road and far out among the Joshua trees, until they found the place. It was tiny, just a dip in the ground almost enclosed in red sandstone pillars. The pillars didn't look like the monoliths at Stonehenge-they were knobby and squished sideways, like towers of Play-doh that some kid had smashed-but they served the same purpose. They'd found this place all by themselves, and Thea was very proud of it. â€Å"The fire's still going,†she said. â€Å"That's good.†It had been burning for the last three days inside the circle. Thea's hope had been that it would keep Suzanne interested-and away from the people setting up in the old gym. And it seemed to have worked. Not just the fire, of course. The three dummies lying on the ground tied to stakes were supposed to be interesting, too. â€Å"These guys all look okay,†Eric said. He picked up the smallest dummy and dusted it off. It looked something like a scarecrow when he thrust the stick into a hole in the ground, standing it up. A scarecrow dressed in a black shift tied with a thet knot. With a sign hanging around the neck: lucienne. The other small dummy had a sign that said clement. The big dummy's sign said suzannb. â€Å"Okay,†Thea said when they had unloaded the wood, leaving her backpack in the jeep. â€Å"Now, remember, you don't do anything until I get back, right? Not anything. And if I'm a few minutes late, you just wait.†He stopped nodding. â€Å"The Halloween party starts at nine. If you're not here at nine exactly, I might-â€Å" â€Å"No. Don't touch anything, don't do anything.†â€Å"Thea, we might lose her. What if she decides that nothing's happening here, so she might as well go to the party-â€Å" â€Å"I won't be late,†Thea said flatly. It seemed the only way to win the argument. â€Å"But do not burn those witches before I'm here to cast the cirde. Okay?†â€Å"Good luck,†he said. He looked handsome and mysterious in his exotic clothes. Not like himself. They kissed under the half-full moon. â€Å"Be safe,†Thea whispered, making herself let go of him. â€Å"Come back safe,†he whispered. â€Å"I love you.†She drove the jeep back to the city, to the maidens' Circle Twilight meeting. It was being held this year at a Night World dub on the southern edge of town. There was no sign on the door, but the doormat, between two grinning jack-o'-lanterns, had been painted with a black dahlia. Thea knocked and the door opened. â€Å"Dani You look great.†â€Å"So do you,†Dani said. She was dressed in white, in a pleated sheer gown that hung to her ankles and looked Egyptian. Black braids clasped with silver cascaded from a sort of crown at her head, falling over her shoulders and back and arms. She made a beautiful Queen Isis. â€Å"You didn't wear a costume,†she said, making it a question. â€Å"Blaise and I are sort of going as Maya and Hell-wise,†Thea said. The truth was that she was most comfortable in her ordinary Circle clothes, and that Blaise knew she looked best in hers. â€Å"Well, come on down. You're the last one,†Dani said, taking Thea's hand. They went down a flight of stairs to an underground room. It had a makeshift, thrown-together look, with crates to sit on, and white fairy lights strung between concrete pillars. Metal chairs had been pushed to the periphery. â€Å"Thea! Hey, there! Merry meet!†people called. Thea turned around and around, smiling and getting hugs. â€Å"Good Samhain,†she kept saying. â€Å"Unity.†For those few minutes, she forgot about what was going to happen tonight. It was so good to see them all again, all her friends from summer Circles. Kishi Hirata, dressed as Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess, hi gold and orange. Alaric Breedlove- the sophomore from Lake Mead High-as Tammuz the shepherd, son of the mother goddess Ishtar. Claire Blessingway as the Navajo goddess Changing Woman, in a dress decorated with red flower petals and turquoise. Nathaniel Long as Herne, Celtic god of the hunt, in forest green, with stag's antlers. Humans put on costumes to disguise themselves tonight. Witches put on costumes to try to reflect their inner selves-what they were inside, what they wanted to be. â€Å"Here, taste,†Claire said, handing Thea a paper cup. It was full of a thick red herb drink spiced with cinnamon and cloves. â€Å"It's hibiscus-my dad's recipe.†Someone else was passing around shortbread cakes in the shape of crescent moons. Thea took one. Everything here was so bright, so warm-and she would have been so happy if all she had to do tonight was enjoy it. Have a normal Samhain Circle. Celebrate†¦ But Eric was waiting out there in the dark and cold of the desert. And Thea was counting the minutes until she could leave. â€Å"Okay, people, it's time to get started.†Lawai'a Dcua, a pretty, sturdy girl with hair like black nylon, was standing in the center of the room. She was wearing a red shift and lei-Pele, the Hawaiian fire goddess, Thea guessed. â€Å"Let's get our circle, here. That's good, come on. Chang Xi, you're the youngest now.†A little girl with big almond-shaped eyes came shyly into the ring of people. Thea hadn't seen her before- she must have turned seven since the last summer Circle. She was dressed in jade green as Kuan Yin, the Chinese goddess of compassion. Still shy, she took a sprig of broom-real broom, the plant-and swept the area inside the ring. â€Å"Thea, you do the salt.†Thea was surprised and pleased. She took the bowl of sea salt that Lawai'a offered, and walked slowly around the perimeter of the circle, sprinkling it â€Å"Alaric, you take the water-â€Å" Lawai'a broke oft looking toward the stairway, seeming startled. Thea saw other people look. She turned around. Two adults, mothers, were coming down the stairs. As the light shone on the first woman's face, Thea felt a jolt. It was Aunt Ursula. In a gray suit, her expression as bleak as Thea had ever seen it. Nobody in the room made a noise. They all stood still as Joshua trees, watching until the women reached the bottom. Interrupting a Circle in the middle of casting was unheard of. â€Å"Good Samhain,†Lawai'a said faintly. â€Å"Good Samhain.†Aunt Ursula was polite, but she didn't smile. like a displeased teacher. â€Å"I'm very sorry to bother you, but this will only take a minute.†Thea's heart had begun to pound, slow and hard. It's just guilty conscience, she tried to tell herself. This doesn't have to be about you. But it did. And something inside her knew even before Aunt Ursula looked the Circle over and said, â€Å"Thea Sophia Harman.†As if she doesn't know what I look like, Thea thought dazedly. She damped down hard on a wild impulse simply to brush past Aunt Ursula and head for the street. Now she knew why rabbits were so stupid as to leave a good hiding place and run blindly when a dog came near. Just panic, that's all. She stepped away from a staring Kishi on her left and a dismayed Nat on her right. She could feel every pair of eyes in the place on her. â€Å"What is it?†she said, trying to look surprised. Aunt Ursula's eyes met hers directly, as if to say, You know. But she didn't say anything, which was almost as bad. â€Å"Dani Naete Mella Abforth.†Oh, Eileithyia. Not Dani, too†¦. Dani was stepping out of the circle. Her small head was held proudly, but Thea could see the fear in her eyes. She walked, linen swaying around her ankles, to stand beside Thea. Dani, I'm sorry†¦. â€Å"That's all,†Aunt Ursula said. â€Å"The rest of you go on with your Circle. Good Samhain, everybody.†To Thea and Dani, she said, â€Å"You need to come outside.†They followed her silently. There was nothing else to do. When they were out in the cool night air, Dani said, â€Å"Is-something wrong?†She looked from Aunt Ursula to the other woman, who was short but had considerable presence. And seemed familiar to Thea†¦ and then she had it. It's Nana Buruku. From the Inner Circle. This isn't a Harman family matter. The Inner Circle itself is calling us. â€Å"There are some things we need to talk about. Come on and let's get it all cleared up fast,†Nana Buruku said quietly, putting a cinnamon-colored hand on Thea's arm. Gran's ancient Lincoln Continental was sitting at the curb. Nana Buruku took the wheel herself. Dani and Thea held hands in the backseat. Dani's fingers were icy cold. The car wound up and down streets lined with human trick-or-treaters, to a big ranch-style house with high block walls screening the backyard. Selene's house, Thea realized, seeing the name Lucna on the mailbox. It must be where they're having the maidens' Circle Midnight meeting. Aunt Ursula got out. Thea and Dani sat in the car with Nana Buruku. In a few minutes, Aunt Ursula came back with Blaise. Selene, dressed in silver, and Vivienne in black, followed as far as the driveway. They looked sober and scared, not like wicked witches at all. Blaise did. Barefoot and apparently indifferent to the cold, little bells ringing, she looked flushed and angry and proud. She opened the door with a jerk and sat down hard beside Thea, who scooted over. â€Å"What's going on?†she said, almost out loud. â€Å"I'm missing the moon cakes, I'm missing everything. What kind of Samhain is this?†Thea had never admired her more. â€Å"We'll get back in time,†Dani said, and her voice was steady, even if her fingers were still cold. They're both brave, Thea thought. And me? But however much she wanted to, she couldn't get a word out through the tightness in her throat. She half expected Nana Buruku to get on the freeway and head out toward the desert, toward Thierry's land. But instead the Lincoln headed down familiar streets and pulled up in the alley behind Grandma Harman's store. Thea could feel Dani's questioning eyes on her. But she had no idea what was going on, and she was afraid to look Dani in the face. â€Å"Come on,†Aunt Ursula said, and shepherded them through the back door, into the shop, through the bead curtain that led to the workshop. All the chairs for Gran's students had been pushed into a rough circle. People were sitting in them, or standing and talking quietly, but when Thea stepped through the curtain behind Nana Buruku, they all stopped and looked. Thea's eyes moved from face to face, seeing each in a sort of disconnected, dreamlike flash. Grandma Harman, looking so grim and tired. Mother Cybele, who was the Mother of the Inner Circle, just as Gran was the Crone, looking anxious. Aradia, the Maiden, her lovely face serious and sad. Others she recognized from two years ago, people who were so famous she knew them by their first names. Rhys, Belfana, Creon, Old Bob. Aunt Ursula and Nana Buruku made up the last two of the nine. They looked like ordinary people, working men and women and still-sharp-as-a-tack retired seniors, the kind you'd see any day on the street. They weren't. This was the biggest concentration of magical talent anywhere in the world. These people were the witch geniuses, the prodigies and the sages, the far-seers. The teachers, the policy-makers. They were the Inner Circle. And they were all looking at Thea. â€Å"The girls are here,†Mother Cybele said softly to Aradia. â€Å"They're standing in the middle.†Gran said, â€Å"All right, let's get this thing started. Will everybody find themselves a seat.†It wasn't a question, it was an order. Gran was senior to all these celebrities. But she wouldn't look at Thea. And that was the most terrible, nightmarish thing of all. She acted as if Thea and Blaise were strangers. Everyone was sitting, nudging their chairs into a more evenly spaced circle. They were all wearing their ordinary clothes, Thea realized: business suits or uniforms or pants and tops. In Aradia's case, jeans. In Old Bob's case, dirty overalls. Which means they never even started their own ceremony tonight. This is important enough to skip Samhain over. This is a trial. Red-haired Belfana pushed Creon's wheelchair to an empty spot. She was the last to sit down. I'm centered, Thea thought numbly. It was her worst fear, the very thing that had driven her away from Eric in the desert, the first time she'd felt the soulmate connection with him. And now it was true. She could hear Dani breathing irregularly, and the faint tinkle of bells as Blaise shifted from foot to foot. â€Å"All right,†Grandma Harman said, sounding tired but formal. â€Å"By Earth, by Air, by Water, and by Fire, I call this Circle to unity.†She went on, reciting the age-old formula for a meeting of deliberation. For Thea, the words blended into the pounding of blood in her ears. It was strange, how terrifying it could be to be surrounded in all directions by people. Everywhere she looked, another grave, unreadable face. She felt as trapped as if they had been humans. â€Å"Thea Sophia Harman,†Gran said, and suddenly Thea was listening again. â€Å"You stand accused†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There seemed to be an endless, empty pause, although Thea knew it was probably no time at all. â€Å"†¦ of working forbidden spells in direct disobedience to the laws of Hellewise and of this Circle†¦.†All Thea heard for a while was â€Å"working forbidden spells.†It seemed to hang in the air, echoing. Part of her kept waiting to hear the other, more terrible charges of betraying the secrets of the Night World and falling in love with a human. But they didn't come. â€Å"†¦ summoning a spirit from the far places beyond the veil†¦ binding two humans with a forbidden love charm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ And then Gran was reading Blaise's name. Blaise was charged with fashioning a necklace out of forbidden materials and binding humans with a forbidden charm. Dani was charged with aiding and abetting Thea in the summoning of a spirit from the far places-which was wrong, of course, Thea thought dizzily. Her whole body was tingling, from the soles of her feet, to her palms, to her scalp. With fear†¦ and with something like relief. They don't know. They don't know the worst part of it, or they would have said so-wouldn't they? And if I just keep quiet, why should they ever know? Then she focused on Gran, who had finished reading the charges and was now talking in an ordinary voice again. â€Å"And I have to say that I'm disappointed in all three of you. Especially you, Thea. I'd expect this from her, of course†-she nodded at Blaise, speaking to the rest of the Circle-â€Å"that descendant of mine there who's dressed up like Hecate's bad daughter. But I honestly thought Thea had more sense.†She looked disappointed. And that-hurt. Thea had always been the good girl, the golden girl, youngest and most promising of the Hearth-Woman line. Now, as she looked from face to face, she saw disappointment everywhere. I've failed them; I've disgraced my heritage. I'm so ashamed†¦. She wanted to curl up and disappear. Just then, there was a silvery ripple of bells. Blaise was tossing her dark head. She looked defiant and scornful and very proud and a little bored. â€Å"What I want to know is who turned us in,†she said in an almost inaudible but definitely menacing whisper. â€Å"Whoever it is, they're going to be sorry.†And suddenly, somehow, Thea was less frightened. The disappointment didn't mean so much. It was possible to shock the Inner Circle and still be standing up. Blaise proved it. It was then that irony struck Thea. She'd spent her life getting in trouble because of Blaise, and now here they were, in the worst trouble imaginable-because of her. And Dani was in trouble, too. Her velvety eyes were filled with tears. When she saw that, Thea found the tightness in her throat easing. She could talk again. â€Å"Look-excuse me-but there's something you need to know. Before this goes any further-â€Å" â€Å"You'll have a chance to speak later,†Mother Cybele said, her voice soft and firm, like her little dumpling-shaped body. â€Å"No, I have to say it now.†Thea turned to Gran, speaking, for just these few seconds, to her grandmother rather than to the Crone of the Inner Circle. â€Å"Grandma, Dani shouldn't be here. Really. Really. She didn't know anything about the summoning; I did it all. I promise.†Gran's expression gentled slightly, the creases on her face shifting. Then she was impassive again. â€Å"All right, all right, we'll see about that later. The first thing is to find out just what you've been doing. Since you seem to be the instigator here.†It was when she said â€Å"later†that realization hit Thea like a tsunami. And everything changed. Later†¦ time†¦ what time is it? She looked frantically around for the clock. There-behind Old Bob's gray head†¦ Ten minutes to ten. Eric. Somehow, in the stress she'd felt since Aunt Ursula came to get her, she had completely forgotten that he was waiting in the desert. But now she could see him, the vision in her mind's eye as clear as if she were standing there with him. Eric watching the clock, minutes going by, and Thea still not arriving. Eric looking at the bonfire and at the three black-clothed dummies tied to their stakes. And the party. The Halloween party at school. Blistered metal doors being opened and people flooding in. Shoes walking across the scuffed wooden floor, costumed kids standing underneath the dangling witch figures. Kids shrieking with laughter, handing over goblin money, crowding into the torture booths. While something lurked around the exposed pipes on the ceiling. Maybe invisible, maybe looking like a white figure and feeling like a blast of arctic wind. Maybe like a woman with long mahogany hair. Lurking†¦ then suddenly sweeping down†¦ She's going to kill them. They're completely defenseless†¦. Fear tore into Thea like jagged metal. It was all happening right now, and she wasn't doing anything to stop it. It had been happening for almost an hour, and she hadn't even given it a thought.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
An ethical decision that I had to make Essay
An ethical decision that I had to make in my personal life. Was to choose between getting in education or staying in this post secondary school for adults with disabilities. After being there for two years I have not seen any progress that. I had to choose to give up going to the school that I was comfortable in with not having to put forth much effort. So my mother asks me did I want to try college online since I was not accomplishing anything at the post secondary school. Well I was scared to try because of my educational background with me being disable not knowing if I would be able to achieve getting a college degree. Come to find that I could accomplish getting a college education like any one else I would just have to work twice as hard to achieve my goal. So now that I’m I my second year of college I feel so good about doing it I do not think twice I would do it again. I’m really happy that my mother had enough faith in me. If it was not for her I would not be my second year of college. Now I feel like I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to no matter anyone else says. I’m also looking forward not only to receiving my associates degree but my bachelors as well. Even though sometimes it is a struggle I still keep in the back of my mind that I can do it I made it this far so I can finish. As well as having my family there to support me as well. Another big impact for me is when I saw my mother graduated with her associate’s degree in business and finances. That made me so proud then I thought about this could be me in another year. Which also made me began to work much harder to reach my goal so I can be where she is. One of my values is to live for what’s right no matter what may be gained or lost.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students Thesis
Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students - Thesis Example y significant difference in academic success rates of students who attend well funded private schools as opposed to students who attend public schools that are under-funded. In this light, high school students schooling in the different setups will definitely exhibit differentiated results and characteristics based on the intricacies of the different schooling schemes. For instance, students in private schools go through a curriculum determined by the board while their counterparts in public schools use a curriculum determined by the national educational standards (Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 45-46). This inadvertently implies that the results from the different students get affected. Private schools focus on passing exams while as public schools focus on completing the syllabus. In addition, given that private students fundamentally run on money collected from the student’s school fees, the quality of education is thereby determined by this. This means the student is a product of the school he or she attends. Public schools get equal funding from the relevant government agencies. With a high level of standardization and policies the quality of educa tion becomes leveled (Epstein, 34-35). High school students attending private schools are so focused on passing exams while those in public schools focus on learning a myriad of other skills as opposed to education alone based on the curriculum and associated policies. The effect of funding (independent variable) on academic success (dependent variable). Lack of adequate funding in the public schools makes the public students to perform dismmaly in the academic endeavors. On the other hand, private schools generate adequate funding through a variety of different sources including students’ tuition fees, endowments and grants. This makes students to excell in studies due to adequate provision of learning materials. Besides, curriculum development (independent variable) also impacts on the students educational
Multivariate Techniques Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Multivariate Techniques - Research Paper Example In view of the possible incoherence due to the management restructuring at Company W, retraining of Company W’s top management in key departments such as sales, marketing, and production is vital. In addition, the top management at WidgeCorp needs statistically verifiable conclusions on issues and recommendations resulting from broad management restructuring agenda. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of factor analysis as a statistical data analysis technique, highlight some of its real life applications, and demonstrate its applicability to company W. Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) Factor Analysis Introduction Acquisition is a corporate strategy in wide use by organizations that seek to increase their market presence, lower operation costs, or retain profitability in unfavorable economic conditions. One of the major challenges facing mergers and acquisitions, which accounts for many failures associated with the pro cess, is lack of coherence and incompatibility in the management teams of the corporate entities involved. A disconcerting 50% of merger and acquisition deals fail due to a number of factors, one of which is the inability to reconcile the management cultures of the companies involved (Monahan, 2000). Therefore, a successful acquisition does not end with the formalization of the acquisition process, but with retraining and restructuring to ensure retention of harmony in the management structures of the two companies. The integration process is delicate, and needs careful deliberation and planning by the top management so that it does not defeat the purpose of the acquisition. This summary seeks to explain the effects of implementation of factor analysis in Company W. Admittedly, subjective judgment and experience present glaring limitations as decision-making techniques (Monahan, 2000). Despite the proven effectiveness of multivariate statistical analysis techniques such as factor an alysis techniques, WidgeCorp should not undermine the possible benefits that traditional methods used at Company W might offer the new corporate conglomerate. The management should aim to bring the best practices from either side of the management landscape to benefit from the synergies appropriately (Monahan, 2000). The transition to a common management approach should be as smoothly as possible, and should aim to win the cooperation of the employees the changes will affect the most. What is Factor Analysis? Factor analysis is a statistical analysis technique that explains the variation and correlation of variables with the use of uncorrelated, unobserved variables known as factors (DeCoster, 1998). Statistical researchers hail Charles Spearman, a psychologist, as the pioneer in the practical application of factor analysis. Factor analysis is highly applicable to social sciences and in business in areas such as marketing, production, and sales (DeCoster, 1998). The technique is hig hly effective in areas that involve the processing of very large quantities of data. The overriding premise of factor analysis is that factors that have high correlation share the same driving factors and vice versa. Factor analysis assumes two forms: exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analy
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Employee motivation - case scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employee motivation - case scenario - Essay Example switching all the data base on to a computerized Management Information System that can be accessed by each member from anywhere around the globe. Looking over the companies needs and requirements, the Lewins Change Management Model seems to be the most adequate choice of change for the organization. This shall be further justified along side the three steps to this process. During project proposal, several people will and will not be in favour due to personal reasons and opinions. These individuals will be reluctant to change and hence will resist for it to occur. The solution is to unfreeze the pessimism by convincing them of the benefits that will be received through the new system. The main reasons for reluctancy may be due to feeling neglected of their importance and value, autonomy, monotony of work, job insecurity, lack of computer skills and literacy, lowered salaries etc as stated by Freud. However, automation is the main concern considering all manual data systems (humans) will be replaced by computer systems. The company now re-establishes itself and the staff refreezes itself into the new change of work operations. This is done gradually as each member will adapt to the new system with time. Business activities will then be within a click of a button, with the vast media horizon of internet emails, chats, audio and video conferencing etc. (Normandin, 2012) All the departments will be affected including the accounts, administrative and human resource departments. The aim is to achieve paperless forms of communication with its various clients and suppliers. However, all the employees will not be in favour of this huge change so employee motivation strategies must be employed. Looking into Maslows Hierarchy of Phsical, Emotional and Intellectual Needs for Employee Motivation will help overcome resolve this issue. (Maslow,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Choose any topic and story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Choose any topic and story - Essay Example As Matt orders Richard around with a gun pointed at him, Richard reveals to him that he wanted to get back with his wife, but Frank was â€Å"always with her†(Dubus). In order to get back with Mary, Richard thinks that he must completely remove the hindrance to their marriage, who is Frank. At the same time, Matt tells Willis that his wife, Ruth, is always crying because she keeps on seeing him around. Matt also thinks that though Richard might be jailed for twenty years, he will be young enough to continue his life after prison life, unlike his son, Frank, who is already dead. Matt justifies that killing Richard will give peace to him and his wife. Emily, on the opposite, does not kill for revenge, but to avoid the misery of loneliness. She does not want to be alone again, so she poisoned Homer when she believes that he is about to leave her, instead of marrying her. Emily has lived a long, lonely life because of her domineering father who drove all her suitors away and Homer might be her only companion in life. Emily also lacks friends because people think that the Griersons are full of pride because of their social class. Without Homer, she will be lonelier since she already experienced what it means to be loved and to love, so she kills him so he can be with her forever. Despite this difference, Matt and Emily are also selfish in their motivations. Matt wants to kill Richard even when he feels guilty over it. He knows that it is wrong to take another man’s life, but he wants to do it to erase his guilt for not taking care of his kids well as he used to when they were younger. Emily is also selfish because she wants to control Homer for eternity. Hence, there is a difference in the exact motive for their killings, but Emily and Matt both did it for selfish reasons too. I feel more empathy for Matt than Emily because I cannot imagine losing my own child at such a young age. Frank is at the prime of his life. He has
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Research Issues and questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Issues and questions - Assignment Example The best way to make a student understand is the use of pictorial description. Students can easily learn by watching a movie or pictorial description on the subject. Written tests should be conducted regularly so that students can assess their performance. If they get a lower grade teachers should help them through counselling or any other possible way. Teaching staffs employ methods like pairing students and make them to work as a group. Another method that could be used is pair checking. In this method one student checks another student's work. This improves their capability of grasping the subject. Lectures by visiting professors help in great deal. Seminars should be conducted regularly. Students should be given an opportunity in giving seminars. Presentations play a vital role in seminars. This helps in assessing student's presentation and communication skills. Identifying and nurturing competent ideas in different subject areas, varied classes at different level. Integration of skills needed to life should be incorporated into curriculum, textbooks, instructional materials and teaching-learning and evaluation process. Identifying suitable grade/class for introduction of second language on the basis of analysis of linguistic situation in the state.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
No need for topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
No need for topic - Essay Example The second stage of moral development intensifies the right/wrong and good/bad practices to encompass the notion of satisfying own needs. Based on the implications of the decision made by the decision maker, Weber argues that aspects of fairness and equal sharing can be interpreted in that context.3 For example, the above move by directors would have a consequential implication to organizational shareholders and the firm at large. Stage three is primarily based on personal behavior. Specifically, members of any given society are expected to behave and conduct themselves in a certain way. In so doing, participants derive behavior-based satisfaction with respect to that which is naturally acceptable to the society. Here, the rules of the majority are essentially in play. On the other hand, the identified fourth stage of moral development deals with societal perspectives of generalized morals. For example, bakers are generally held to be trustworthy and their behavior in and out of work should reflect this expectation. However, this many not always be the case with regard to both the third and fourth stages of moral development. Any given society in its entirety accords rights to its members. In this respect, stage five defines the right and the wrong based on the rights accorded to the members of the society. On the same note, a society’s standards are upheld through the said rights, subsequently influencing the moral factor in that society. When it comes to the final stage of moral development, the definition of what is right is personalized. In other words, an individual’s ethical and moral principles drive the right/wrong definition. In this respect, what is rightfully, ethically, and morally accepted by one individual or society may not necessary be accepted by another subject to the provisions of the last two stages of moral development. Part B Translating theory into practice takes diverse and dynamic approaches. This is because organizational operations, strategies, goals, and objectives differ from one organization to another. For this reason, the operationalization of Kohlberg’s model within an organization requires a strategic approach. On the same note, the taken approach must be aligned and consistent with organizational short term and long term prospects. The practice of Kohlberg’s model would, therefore, require managers to be sensitive to the organizational culture and operations in play. To start with, managers do not necessarily have to implement every aspect of Kohlberg’s model. This is because some of the aspects of Kohlberg’s model may or may not be relevant for some organizational practices. In this respect, managers need to evaluate the organizational culture in play against the Kohlberg’s model. In so doing, managers would note ineffective areas within the organization as far as Kohlberg’s model is concerned. Once this has been done, the chosen provisions of the model can now be implemented. For example, an organization’s definition of right and wrong may be primarily built on the general societal
Friday, August 23, 2019
MOVIE REVIEW ABOUT THE DESCENDANTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MOVIE REVIEW ABOUT THE DESCENDANTS - Essay Example Often in films the sight of someone extremely happy is a token of what is yet to come and fears the worst. The movie commences with an unforeseeable tragedy where Matt King lost his wife after hospitalization and now has to shoulder an enormous burden of being responsible for managing everything including the fund that has been entrusted to his family since 1860Â ´s. Matt King is the descendant of one of the Hawaii’s most prominent families. Further distress to burden came when Matt King was told that his wife had an affair with Brian Speer (played by Matthew Lillard), The movie gyrates around the search for Speer as Matt wanted answers to some of his queries. Matt King hailed from beautiful Hawaii island and was the owner of immense property which he wanted to sale off, his rebellious daughter stops him. As Hawaii is known for the traditional predisposition so the movie also revolves around the traditional and emotional touch. However, the director Alexander Payne is known for his brilliant plots and marvellous direction he did not let the audience move out in grief and brought the story to end at the happy note. The movie offered a lot or scope to understanding about worldly matters, family bonding, impact of loss and pain and therefore it was appreciated to a great extent by various individuals and critics and people gave their reviews depending upon their individual outlook. According to Ebert (2011) who is admirer of Hawaii, as he had been to the land a number of times, "inhabitants of Hawaii are serious about their customs and traditions and very protective for their land". In his review he highlighted "business, finances and emotions". As per his view, "Matt King is one of the Hawaiis first white land-owning families who have to fix between opening up a vast tract of virgin forest on Kauai to tourist and condo development". The tragedy happened at this important junction. Ebert (2011) reviewed more on the worldly matters that the movie displayed
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Strategy Essay Example for Free
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Strategy Essay The increase on Teenage Pregnancy had been a problem in the United States which became a leading social issue until 1998. Teenage Pregnancy pertains to a situation wherein an under-aged (15 years old below but in the United Kingdom, below 18 years old) girl gets pregnant (Cherry, 2001). Among the causes or factors that affect the increase of teenage pregnancy incidents, particularly in the U.S. are the following: adolescent sexual behavior, statutory rape, sexual abuse, dating violence, socioeconomic factors (e.g. prostitution), childhood environment, and commentator and public opinion. These are the major factor roots of teenage pregnancy.            In order to solve the problem, the government must be able to track the aforesaid factors and must be able to address the immediate concerns that motivate the under-aged girl to become oriented on sexual relationships. The government must implement a policy which would lessen the chances that the youth would become exposed to premarital sexual affairs. Enforcing ordinances such as curfew, and strict prohibition on minors to use alcohol and illegal drugs, would really help in minimizing the instances of sexual abuse, dating violence, prostitution, and other notable roots of teenage pregnancy (Luker, 1997). Furthermore, the government must be able to fully address the cases of child abuse, statutory rape, and other crimes against under-age girls.            On the part of the parents, they must be able to monitor their children’s activities as well as their companions in order to prevent them from instances like teen-date rape, sexual harassment, and the likes. Parents must realize their vital role in shaping their child’s consciousness (Cherry, 2001). Hence, they must really know their children very well as well as their personal problems. Furthermore, secondary influences such as the school, church and community must do their job to guide the youth and help the government in the implementation of its policies.            Certainly, the government has the power and authority to set rules so as to aid in reducing the cases of teenage pregnancy. For the main reason that they are the ones who legislate, interpret and execute laws (Luker, 1997), they really have the responsibility to make sure that teenage pregnancy is really being dealt with. By the laws that the government has passed, interpreted and implemented, communities would be monitored well and the instances of sexual harassment would be diminished. Instructing the schools to regularly conduct behavior analysis, and developmental activities (Cherry, 2001) for the benefit of the youth would prevent them from being exposed to sexual activities and enlightening them about the ill consequences of early motherhood or early parenthood. The use of contraceptives (Luker, 1997) should be promoted by the government to ensure that there would be a small chance that would lead to early pregnancy.            With regards to the use of contraceptives, the Church and some moralists view it as something that opposes their moral standard (Cherry, 2001). However, the government must be able to talk with these groups and sectors and make them realized that though the government promote the use of contraceptives, they are not encouraging the youth to participate or get involved with sexual activities. This is where the strict implementation emerges.            The schools, in cooperation with the community and the government, must conduct a joint project or program that introduces the youth to activities like sports and livelihood developments in order to divert the attention of the youth from sexual activities to more community-based affairs. Symposia and seminars are useful in enlightening and informing the youth, the parents, as well as the whole community (e.g. school, church) about the disadvantages of teenage pregnancy and the measures that would help them avoid such situation. In a summary, teenage pregnancy can really be resolved provided that the government and all the concerned groups must initiate, participate on and maintain measures which deject teenage pregnancy. References Cherry, A. L. (2001). Teenage Pregnancy: A Global View. Greenwood Press. Luker, K. (1997). Dubious Conceptions: The Politics of Teenage Pregnancy. Harvard University         Press.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Unless We Acknowledge The Past Essay Example for Free
Unless We Acknowledge The Past Essay In 1967, facing divided military councils and serious domestic opposition to the Vietnam War, the Defense Department commissioned a team of analysts to prepare a secret study of how the United States became involved in the war. The study was intended to give America’s leaders an authoritative, objective account of the war. Parts of the secret study were leaked to the New York Times in 1971, and the newspaper began publishing reports based on these materials. The government sued to enjoin publication, but the United States Supreme Court ruled that the publication could proceed. The New York Times then published a series of articles with supporting documents, which it later issued in book form as The Pentagon Papers. The remarkable feature of The Pentagon Papers is its objectivity. Those who prepared the original study had unlimited access to government documents. Their goal was objectivity. Their work was to be secret, so that they were free of concerns about playing to a public audience. That the government sought to bar publication lent an added imprimatur of candor to the report. In their articles, the New York Times reporters strove for a similarly objective style. Chapter 5 of The Pentagon Papers shows that at a critical juncture, America’s leaders lied to the nation. In 1964, presidential candidate Barry Goldwater promised to get tough with communism. Seeking re-election, President Lyndon Johnson campaigned as a moderate. 1 The Pentagon Papers show that Johnson was secretly widening the war in Vietnam throughout 1964. To do this, he ordered an increasing range of assaults against North Vietnam. When the North Vietnamese finally responded by attacking American destroyers off their coast, Johnson blasted these attacks as â€Å"unprovoked. †He asked Congress for a joint resolution approving increased American participation in the war. A supine Congress complied. With the publication of The Pentagon Papers, Congress would discover how completely it was misled. (Sheehan) Meanwhile, America plunged ahead, fighting in a country where it soldiers were racially unlike the indigenous people, did not speak the native language, and misunderstood the culture. The Los Angeles Times recently reported another coverup. Stories beginning August 6, 2006, reported that the American military knew of killings of civilians in Vietnam, and concealed this information for nearly 40 years. These included several massacre of civilians. Servicemen reported these during the war, only to have the military throw up smoke screens of denial. As in The Pentagon Papers, the Los Angeles Times articles are based on a recently disclosed secret archive detailing attacks on civilians. These documents show that the military frequently issued denials it knew were untruthful, wrongly impugned the credibility of those who reported atrocities, and otherwise strove to maintain secrecy. Again, the credibility of the documents is boosted by the government’s stubborn efforts to keep them secret. One story in the L. A. Times recounts how a young soldier watched as American soldiers carried out gruesome orders to â€Å"kill anything that moves. †(Turse) There was no evidence that any of the nineteen Vietnamese who were killed were combatants or that they resisted the Americans in any way. Confronted with the reports that these soldiers told, the Army suppressed the truth for nearly forty years. (Turse) The United States is now at war in Iraq. As in Vietnam, this is a war of occupation, fighting insurgents from within the indigenous population. American forces are racially distinct from the native peoples. They do not speak the language. They are unschooled in the culture. Already there are reports of killings of Iraqi civilians. Responding, a retired General who helped assemble the secret archive, John H. Johns, supports the disclosure of the incidents in Vietnam in light of alleged incidents in Iraq, saying . We cant change current practices unless we acknowledge the past.
Nestle International Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay
Nestle International Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay Nestle` is one of the largest Nutrition, health and wellness company and committed to provide the best Nutritional food and products around the Globe. Company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlà © in VeVey (Switzerland). Nestle is a flat organisation with few levels of management and span of control. Moreover, currently company is operating in 84 different countries with 456 factories. Furthermore, In order to ensure the company long term sustainable growth and better understand of customers needs, Company constantly reviews its product portfolio and focuses on its efforts to conduct research. Consequencely, success of Nestle is a reflection of clear define responsibilities, reflection of professionalism, responsible attitude of management, well defined objective as well as significant global leadership position ( Nestle Brands: ( The Nestlà © brand portfolio such as milk and dairy products, nutritions, weight management, performance and healthcare, breakfast cereals, ice cream, coffee and culinary products (prepared dishes, cooking aids, sauces) pet care, bottled water etc. practically cover all food and beverage categories. Many of the brands have leadership with in the local and global market and existed for several years, for instance S.Pellegrino the mineral water from Italy, and Nestlà © Moà §a in Brazil, are over 100 years old. The best-known global brands include Nescafà ©, Nestea, Maggi, Buitoni, Purina and Nestlà © itself. Furthermore other brands for instance Milo, Nespresso, Nesquik, Kit Kat, Smarties, Polo, Friskies, Perrier and Vittel sells in many countries. It is considered that total number of brands including local and international reaches into the several thousands. NESTLE INTERNATIONAL MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. Key Dates 1866 Company Founded 1905 Nestle Merger with Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company 1929 Nestle Merger with Peter, Cailler, and Kohler Chocolates Suisses S.A. 1947 Nestle Merger with Alimentana S.A. (Maggi) 1971 Nestle Merge with Merger with Ursina-Franck1974LOrà ©al (equity interest) 1977 Nestle Acquire Alcon (2002: partial IPO) 1985 Nestle Acquire Carnation 1988 Nestle Acquire Buitoni-Perugina 1988 Nestle Acquire Rowntree 1992 Nestle Acquire Perrier 1998 Nestle Acquire San Pellegrino and Spillers Pet foods 2000 Nestle Acquire Power Bar 2001 Nestle Acquire Ralston Purina 2002 Nestle Acquire Schà ¶ller and Chef America 2003 Nestle Acquire of Mà ¶venpick, Powwow and Dreyers 2004 Nestle Acquire Valio (ice cream) 2005 Nestle Acquire Wagner, Protà ©ika, Musashi 2007  Novartis Medical Nutrition, Gerber and Henniez 2009  Vitality Beverage business 2010  Nestle Acquire Kraft Pizza JOINT VENTURES Key Dates 1974 LOrà ©al 1981 Galderma (joint venture with LOrà ©al) 1990 Nestle Joint Venture with General Mills (Cereal Partners world wide) 1991 Nestle Joint Venture with Coca Cola (formerly CCNR) Beverage Partners Worldwide 2002 Nestle Joint Venture with Fonterra (Dairy Partners Americas) Competitiveness ( Nestle, competitive advantages among the competitors are based on four points, For instance, Nestle product and brand portfolio such as Nestle Group is the manufacturer of billions of different products and operates in thousands of value added brand around the world. Furthermore, Nestle unmatched Geographically presence, for instance Nestle spend approx CHF 35 billions in emerging market in every year which is higher than a average growth and profitability, Moreover, Nestle leading RD capabilities, for Instance Company spend approx CHF 2.0 billions on RD for innovations and renovation to increased awareness in local taste and preference. In addition, company international business strategy such as to respect and follows all applicable local, laws, legislation, religious practices and culture aspect. International Business Strategy Nestlà ©s international business strategies are associated with direct foreign investment in food or other dairy business. For instance, operating in the advanced market, Nestlà © policy is to invest direct with the big companies to achieve the economical scale, or, establish strategic alliance with large companies and sights the new markets for business growth. Moreover in less developed market Nestle grow by processing technology or employ the local brand or acquire the local company. For its significant growth in future, Nestle is actively focused on the Developing and Emerging Market (DE) for instance India and China. It is considered that the populations of DE economies will increase by 3300 million by the end of 2050. The Sales in DE economies market is accounted CHF 35,000 millions in percentage 30% of the total sale which has been increased 15.4% over 2007 and company expects to double in the next ten years Nestlà © Corporate Governance The company governance bodies are Board of Directors (Board) Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee (CCGC) Compensation Committee (CC) Nomination committee (NC) Audit Committee (AC) Chairman of the Board Chief Executives Officer (CEO) Executive Board (EB) Board of Directors (Board) According to the company Article of Associations 2009 Article 14 15, Number of Directors and term of office, The Board of Directors shall consist of at least seven members also board shall be elected for three years by the General Meeting. Furthermore each year board will renew by rotation and will establish new order of rotation in the case of increase or decrease of board of director. The board Members are: Chairman Two Voice Chairmen Chief Executive officer (CEO) Members of the Committee Role of the Board and its Committees According to the company Article of Associations 2009 (NO 16), board is responsible for the selection of chairman and voice Chairmen, and its assignment of responsibilities. Furthermore According to the company Article of Associations 2009 (No17 18), article defines the general power of board such as board can conduct business to the extent that is not within the board regulation or general meeting. Moreover board is responsible for, For instance, Management and supervision of the business The appointment and removal of the chairman and Voice chairmen The appointment and removal of committee members The appointment of CEO and members of Executive board (EU) Preparation of Management report also preparation of General Meetings including agenda and proposal. The company long term Strategy Financial operation Establish or close branch office The Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee (CCGC) This committee consists of Chairmen, Two voice chairmen, Chief executive officer and elected member of the board. Furthermore, committee liaises between board and chairman. The board approved power and duties for (CCGC) and particularly (CCGC) acts as a consoler and solve the management issue between chairman and chief executive officer. The Compensation Committee (CC) The Compensation committee is consists of minimum two non executive members of the board and chief executive officer; furthermore CC recommends compensation policy to the board and also proposes the remuneration system and principals for approvals. The Nomination Committee (NC) The Nomination committee is consists of independent and non executive members of the board preferably not the member of (CCGC) committee, furthermore this committee establish principal to select candidate for board of director also prepare proposal for board decision. The Audit Committee (AC) The Audit committee is consists of minimum two non executive members of the board and voice chairmen who control the committee, furthermore majority of the members are independent and at least one member have financial expertise. Moreover the responsibly of AC is to assists the Board to fulfill its responsibilities with respect to financial and accounting reporting process also overview of risk management as well as internal and external audit process also unrestricted approach to the companys record . Chairman of the Board The chairman is responsible to supervise the board (subject to the power of board) and management of the company governance. Chairman responsibilities are, For instance Leads the Board Overall responsibilities for the development of strategies (together with CEO) Appointment and removal of proposal shareholder and executive management To ensure the alignment of boards strategies and board committee To ensure the proper flow of information In coordination with CEO, Responsible to organise and chair the board meeting Responsible to organise and chair the General Meeting Work close to nomination committee (assessment of board of director nomination) Takes a leading role to design the group corporate governance The Chief executive officer The chief executive officer is considered the supreme executive authority for the company and the Groups (subject to the power reserved to the board) the committee and the chairman, furthermore, CEO has following duties and powers, For instance Organise, manage and monitor the business affairs To approve, acquisitions, participations, investment and divestitures In coordination with chairman, submit proposal to the board for the nomination or dismissal To call and chair the meetings of Executive board Report to chairman The vice Chairmen The board shall appoint two independent directors as vice chairmen, responsibilities of vice chairmen are to work close to the chairmen and discuss industrial, strategic marketing, internal control as well as financial issue. Furthermore, one of them should be have financial expertise to ensure the good internal financial control and second should have industrial experience on the global level Code of Business Conduct The Nestlà © Code of Business Conduct are designed to provide a frame of reference against all possible situations that may occur and helps the continued implementation of the Corporate Business Principles Moreover the purpose of the code is to employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt situation, and avoid all those conduct which may damage Nestle reputation. The main points of code of business conduct, For instance Compliance with laws, rules and regulations Conflicts of Interest Outside directorships and other outside activities Families and Relatives Corporate opportunities Insider trading Antitrust and fair dealing Confidential information Fraud, protection of company assets, accounting Bribery and corruption Gifts, meals, entertainment Discrimination and harassment Failure to comply Reporting illegal or non-compliant conduct STRATEGIC APPROCHES FOR REDUCE POLITICAL, OPERATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE VULNERABILITIES Corporate Business Principles (International) Nestle business objective is to market and manufacture the products such a way to create long term value for business partner, shareholders, consumers, and employees, and also to ensure the highest standard of organisation. Moreover nestle is committed to create the value for all those communities around the world where Nestle market there products. Nestle corporate business principles are based on, for instance, fairness, honesty and sound human values such as, consumer communication principal, human right principal, child labor and environment protection principal, and translated into 40 different languages Therefore, company respect and follows all applicable local, laws and legislation, religious practices and culture aspect. In additions, Nestlà © Management is committed to follow the Business Principles to avoid the administrative and operational Vulnerabilities; therefore management is responsible for, For instance, Manage professional skills, Curiosity and open-mindedness High level of interest in other cultures, Commitment to continuous learning, improving, and sharing knowledge Motivate staff in order to contribute wider group performance Involvement of each employee at all levels (concerned with continuously adding value to company). Consequencely, success of Nestle is a reflection of clear defines responsibilities, reflection of professionalism, responsible attitude of management, well defined objective as well as significant global leadership position. Company Performance ( 15-Apr-2010 Strong support for Board proposals at Nestlà © AGM Mar-2010 Nestlà © Bets on Mexican Coffee 02-Mar-2010 Nestlà © completes acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza business 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © to acquire Kraft Foods frozen pizza business 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © opens global RD Centre 04-Jan-2010 Nestlà © to sell remaining Alcon shares to Novartis. Annual General Meeting On 15-April-2010 The Nestle Annual General Meeting was held in VeVey (Switzerland), the main points of the meeting for instance, the meeting has approved the annual reports and re-elected the Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (chairman), for three year, also other board member such as Steven G. Hoch (Founder and senior partner) and Andrà © Kudelski (Chairman and CEO Kudelski group) and two new board members, Ms Titia de Lange and Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth selected for three years. Furthermore 2,640 shareholders have approved the proposal for increase the dividend to CHF 1.60 per share. Moreover chairman has point out the issue regarding deforestation of rainforest to shareholders and explained Nestle is working towards to the end of deforestation of rainforest. Acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza business On 05-January 2010 Nestle has showed the interest to acquire the Kraft food frozen business in the USA and Canadian market with including brands are such as California Pizza, DiGiorno, Tombstone, Jacks and Delissio for USD 3.7 billion in cash. Furthermore it is considered that USA is the largest pizza market in the world and it generate about USD 37 billion, therefore Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlà © said, This acquisition will bring the selection of great US and Canadian brands and also it will enhances Nestlà ©s frozen food activities in North America where Nestlà © only had a minor presence until now. In addition, this acquisition will provide a strong strategic pillar in the US and Canadian Market where company already established a leadership in dishes and hand held products, such as Lean Cuisine, Buitoni, Lean Pockets, Stouffers and Hot Pockets. Consequently, on 01 March 2010 after completion of closing conditions Nestlà © has concluded the acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza. Nestlà © Bets on Mexican Coffee Nestlà © has announced the plans to invest US$ 390 million in Mexican production and infrastructure facilities. The investment will be directed Nescafe instant coffee processing plant to expand the capacity by 40%, which will make it the worlds largest coffee processing plant. Due to the low production cost and vast network of trade, Nestle is planning to build Mexico as a regional export hub in the American zone. Nestlà © opens global RD Centre On 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © has open a Global RD center in Santiago de Chile. The New RD Center will include the bioactive ingredients to reduce the sugar and fat level in the biscuits without compromising the biscuit quality. Sell of remaining Alcon shares to Novartis On 04 Jan 2010 Nestlà © S.A. has transferred the Alcon remaining 156,076,263 shares representing around 52% of the companys issued and outstanding share to Novartis, accordance with the contract agreed on 6 April 2008. Moreover, the reason for transfer the control are gradually based on three issues for instance, The divestment of Alcon, The initial IPO of 23.25% in 2002 The sale of 24.8% in 2008 And the exercise of the call option by Novartis. Alcon was acquired by Nestlà © in 1977 for USD 280 million Nestle share buy back Programme. Nestle boards of Directors Continues to believe that significant share buy back Programme should help to drive the performance of food and beverage business and enhance the shareholder value, Therefore Nestle Board has announced share buy back Programme on 15 August 2007 for over the next three year subject to market conditions. The objective of this Programme was to improve capital efficiency and future prospects of food and beverage business. The Programme has been divided into two steps such as one of CHF 15 billion and one of CHF 10 billion. Furthermore, due to acquisition of Novartis medical nutrition and Gerber, which has created a critical Mass in Nutrition sales approx CHF 10 Billion? On the contrary the total value of repurchased share from August 2007 to December 2009 is CHF20.1 As a consequence, in 2009 the group has brought back CHF 7 billion which is equal worth of its own shares and the remaining CHF 5 billion in share will be brought back in the course of 2010. After completation of this Programme further group will launch a new CHF 10 billon share back Programme with intent to buy additional CHF 5 billion share before the end of the year. NOTABLE FACTS The worlds largest food and beverage company has been internationally criticized for purchasing and using the palm oil, water bottling issue in USA, child labor problems in cocoa-growing nations and its aggressive marketing of baby food product all over the world. Greenpeace Campaign. ( Greenpeace organisation has started a campaign against Nestle over its purchase of palm oil by an Indonesian company called Sinar Mas. Greenpeace claims that Sinar Mas getting the palm oil by destroying the rainforest and use in it for candy bars and other products. Considerably, rainforests contributes about 20% of greenhouses gases also support transport sector. Therefore, deforestation of rainforests and the excessive use of bio-fuels are serious environmental issues on the global level. Bottle Water issue (Steel, Emily. 2010, Journal) Nestle is a top water bottling company and selling water under 70 different brands name in the world. Nestle controlled one third bottled water market in America. However, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and coalition of many others environmental and social justice organizations has launched a campaign against Nestle in North America to prevent the new bottle water facility in Cascade Locks Oregon. The reason for this campaign is bottled water facility would lead to the commodification of Oregons and it contributes to the plastic waste problem also it is the waste of prime resources and potential way to destroy the local wildlife. Baby Milk Scandal ( Nestle has been targeted and criticized by the International baby food action network (IBFAN) for the violation of international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes and also aggressive baby food marketing strategies for selling artificial infant feeding which has the cause of unnecessary death of children. SWOT ANALYSIS (2010. DATAMONITOR) Nestle is the world largest company by sales and strong brand portfolio with manufacturing and marketing the branded food product around the world. Strengths -Strong brand name According to the Inter brand management company, Nestlà © is one of the best-known companies in the world and ranked 63rd best global brands in 2008 and its top 30 brands earn over CHF 1,000 million which is 70% of its sales. Furthermore, For instance Customise products to the local market conditions Strong global operations RD Capabilities Weaknesses -Increasing product recalls history In November 2008, Nestlà © USA recalled the product called Nesquik Strawberry Powder, due to the fearing of small fragments of aluminum. Furthermore, Nestlà © Prepared Foods Co has recalled 900,000 pounds worth of meals the Lean Cuisine brand frozen chicken due to small chunks of blue plastic. Moreover in September 2008, in Hong Kong Company recalled UHT milk due to contain melamine chemical. Opportunities The Nestle is utilising the RD capabilities to achieve the competitiveness in the health and wellness market. For instance, Nestlà © is focusing on nutrition combining taste to reduce the fatty acids, salt and sugar and increase the micro nutrients such as minerals and vitamin for consumer better health and to ensure for the profitable growth. Furthermore, Nestle is working on, Scientific innovations to address obesity and diabetes On developing economies Focus on external Market Currently company generate 50% of food and beverage in North America, India, China, Russia, Brazil and company is expected double of the sale in next ten years. Threats -Issues The company has been internationally criticized for issues and fines for instance Purchase and use of palm oil Water bottling issue in USA, Child labor problems (in cocoa-growing nations) Aggressive marketing of baby food product all over the world -Fines In February 2009 Nestle and Coca Cola Company has been fine in US$ 650,000 against Enviga-Brand green tea beverage products. In February 2010 Nestle has been fine E30 million by Greeces competition watchdog for abusing against its dominant position in the coffee market. -Political and Economical Factor Nestle company is operating in 84 countries in the world with having entire different cultural, political and economical back ground. The concerning issues regarding these countries are, the political stability, the infra structure, the local regulation, the foreign trade which might be potentially affect on Nestle ability to do business with in these countries. Nestle Group sales, profitability and financial position ( Nestlà © Groups sale in 2009 was in at CHF 107.6 billion, with organic growth of 4.1%. Operating profit was in at CHF15.7 billion, and net profit was CHF10.43 billion with organic growth of 4.1 percent. Underlying earnings per share rose from CHF 2.82 to CHF 3.09, which is equal to 9.6% , Food and Beverages sales was in CHF 99.8 billion, with organic growth of 3.9%,, Marketing and administrative expenses rose 33.7% of total sales. Nestle Expand RD capabilities in 10 basis points in developing countries. Reported EBIT margin was 30 basis or 14.6%, with an EBIT of CHF 15.7 billion. The Groups operating cash flow reached by 10.7billion or 67 %, the groups return on invested capital (ROIC) increased 15.6% (including goodwill) and 35.1% (excluding goodwill) and net debt reached CHF 18.1 billion. In 2009 consolidated In millions of CHF As % of Total Sale Sale 107,618 Net profit (b) 10,428 9.7% Operating cash flow 17,934 Capital Expenditure 4,641 4.3% Market capitalisation 174,294 Net Debit 18,085 EBIT (A) Group 15,699 14.6% Free cash flow (c) 12,369 EBIT (a) Food Beverage 13,083 13.1% Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 48,915 Ratio of the debt to equity (gearing) 37.0% Over all cost of goods sold decreased by 110 basis points Distribution costs fell by 40 basis points Marketing and expenses rose by 110 basis points (equal 33.7% of total sale) Zone Americas: Total Sales was CHF 23.4 billion, with 6.4% organic growth and 2.3% real internal growth. In North America, internal growth accelerated in the, ice cream, pet care, soluble coffee and chocolate in the and slow down in frozen food, Moreover Brazil build the positive momentum and mainly to growth in dairy category also rest of the region has showed the positive improvement in the third quarter. Zone Europe: Total Sales was CHF 16.5 billion, with 0% organic and -1.5% real internal growth, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the Iberian region has rise internal growth. The Great Britain region delivered the strong performance, Eastern Europe presented a weaker real internal growth in Czech and Slovak Republics and Russia, positive in e Poland and the Ukraine Zone Africa, Asia and Oceania: Total Sales was CHF 11.7 billion with 3.0 real internal growth and 5.8% organic growth the organic growth was unchanged in Oceania and Japan and the rest of all emerging regions were improved in volumes, although real internal growth in Oceania and Japan was unchanged. Furthermore, China, Philippines, South Asia and Africa has shows the strong real internal growth. Appendices Appendix No 1: Appendix 3 Sale forecast Sale and EBIT Margin by operating segments Sales and EBIT Margin by Products.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Hitler :: essays research papers
Today, April 20 is my birthday. I was born in 1889. My Father was the ‘illegitimate’ son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. I was born at Braunau am Inn. My name is Adolph Hitler. I hate ‘Jews’ for they don’t deserve to live. They are like a deadly, filthy plague. It is best that they are exterminated. â€Å"If twelve or fifteen thousand of these Jews who are corrupting the nation had been forced to submit to poison-gas, just as hundreds of thousands of our best German workers are to facing it in the field, then the millions of sacrifices made at the border would not have been in vain.†The death of our beloved is the fault of these unlikable few. I entered the German army as a volunteer in 1914. After 19 years of Service, in 1933: President Hindenburg entrusted Chancellor ship of Germany to me. Oh, what great joy took control of me. I was on ‘cloud nine’. March 23, 1933: I become dictator. And what better way to start a new month on April 1, 1933: I proclaimed a national boycott of Jewish shops! They little rats went ballistic! Thought they could dare stand up to me! Look me into the eyes and dare raise their voice. Well, I showed them. April 8, 1933: Four Jews were shot dead at Dauchau. But that’s just the beginning, the game has just begun! April 22, 1933: Jewish merchant, Salomon Rosenstrauch, shot dead in Wiesbaden. Just wait, soon the Headlines will be covered with news like this. May 10, 1933: Nazis assaults Social Democratic party, taking over all offices, funds and newspapers. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, April 26, 1933: The State Secret Police is taken over by the Nazis! Beat that Democrats! May 15, 1933: Dr. Alfred Strauss, a Jewish lawyer, killed in Dachau. May 25, 1933: Louis Schloss, a Jewish lawyer killed in Dachau. May 27, 1933: Karl Lehburger, a Jewish businessman, killed in Dachau. See! What did I Tell you? The headlines are covered with reports of Jewish murders. But it is far from over. You know what? Those democrats are really beginning to bug me I am going to have to do something about them. June 22, 1933: The Social Democratic party is officially banned! I told you didn’t I? I got rid of them like I said I would. I’m the best, I’m the best. July 1, 1934: Jewish population at Dachua almost zero!! July 15, 1934: Court finds out that the murdered Jews actually "committed suicide".
Monday, August 19, 2019
Babbit Vs. The Hobbit :: essays research papers
Babbitt vs. The Hobbit          Sinclair Lewis’ character of George Babbitt is similar to J.R.R Tolkien’s character of Bilbo Baggins, but they are also very different. These two characters are alike in two different ways: in personality and the heroic journey. However, on every other subject these two characters are extraordinarily different. The most basic of these differences being that George Babbitt is an anti-hero and Bilbo Baggins is a hero.      In the beginning both characters seem very much alike in the way that they are portrayed. Babbitt is shown as a well to do middle aged man enjoying an afternoon nap. He is also shown to be extremely average. Bilbo too is shown enjoying a pleasant afternoon in a very average way. Both personalities are basically the same: neither will take major risks and both would rather stay at home rather than go off on some kind of “adventure';. Both are what are considered prominent, wealthy, normal, conforming members of their communities. However, both Babbitt and Bilbo show inner turmoil with their need to be “free';.      Here is where the differences start to appear. The hobbit refers to something as simple as climbing a tree as an adventure. The prominent business man thinks that spending a weekend away from his wife and family is an adventure. To set forth upon an adventure of any kind a person needs to be free again, both characters define freedom in different ways. Bilbo simply needs to be away from the influence of his friends and family to find out what he really wants for himself and what he wants to do about it. Bilbo finds freedom when he makes the choice to follow the dwarves into the unknown. When Babbitt is finally given freedom when he is able to go camping alone with his friends for a week he is suddenly terrified about what he is going to do with himself. Babbitt’s friends seem to bring out his inner-self when he is finally pulled away from home and on a train going to Maine. Once up in Maine the men say that they are going to “loaf by ourselves and smok e and cuss and be natural';. In other words they are going to be free from the rules imposed on them by their wives, families and the community itself.      Each character is also tested in a different way. Bilbo was tested several different times, each dealing with his loyalty and service to the dwarves.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Oman Essay -- essays research papers
Oman is a small country located in the northeast by the gulf of Oman and southeast by the Arabian Sea, southeast by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The capitol of this country is Muscat. Oman covers an area of about 119,500 sq mi. Oman borders Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. The Oman government, from what I have read, is ran by a sultan and seems to be somewhat democratic. The population is overwhelmingly Arab, but significant minorities of Indians, Pakistanis, and East Africans are found in the principal ports. The majority of the population is Ibadhi Muslim; Sunni Muslims form the other major religious group. Arabic is the official language. The Life expectancy on average, is 70.25 years, however females seem to live longer; males: 68.31 years female: 72.29 years (1995 est.). There are about 6 children born to each woman. That just shows how much they value family as well as procreation in itself. The Languages are Arabic (official), English, Baluchi, Urdu, and Indian dialects. (1) One of the most interesting pieces I came across about Oman is how the women are treated. Usually when you think of Middle East women you assume they are oppressed or considered to be uneducated. However the women of Oman play a more active and visible role in society than in most of the Arabian Peninsula, where the role of women is still restricted. They have received encouragement and support from the government, which provides schooling and university education for girls on a par with that for boys, and has decreed that women should be given career opportunities and equal pay. In the capital many women now have jobs, especially with the government. In the countryside women have always played an active role in the agricultural communities. For the most part Oman women are not veiled, although the women of some tribes still wear the burqa or facemask and black cloak, the abaya. After viewing many pictures of the women of this culture the majority of Oman women, however, wear very colorful clothes arranged in loose and flowing layers. They are generally not self-effacing and may be willing to talk to strangers, once the ice has been broken. But they are deeply Muslim and should always be treated with deference and respect. (1) However, the film I chose to watch is called Osama. This film describes the life of women during the Taliban rule. Althoug... ...far as what websites are available. The print media is mainly available in Arabic, and only about 2 Omani papers are in both English and Arabic. Tourist attractions such as hotels, may carry more of a variety of national papers. Overall Oman is a very interesting country. They are progressing more into the future and at the same time not leaving their heritage or culture behind, but instead modernizing it. The sultan of this country has been in reign for over 30 years and has done nothing but allowed his country to progress. The fact that this is one of the few Arabic countries that actually allows women certain rights will hopefully educate other Arabic countries about equalization or steps towards allowing women to be freer. Work Cited: (1)Â Â Â Â Â (2)Â Â Â Â Â (3)Â Â Â Â Â (4)Â Â Â Â Â Osama, directed by Siddiq Barmak , 2004 (5)Â Â Â Â Â WHO COMPARES HEALTH-CARE SYSTEMS ACROSS THE GLOBE , By: Ashraf, Haroon, Lancet, 00995355, 06/24/2000, Vol. 355, Issue 9222
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Nursery Rhymes Essay
So here I am, really scared and nervous, but here’s a secret my mum told me, adults are just as anxious talking in public, the trick is to picture everyone in clown suits; my Apa’s red nose really suits her. Hmm, my speech is supposed to be humorous and as a 6 year old nothing is more hilarious as old nursery rhymes I mean can you really picture a huge egg perched on a wall, and why on earth did the king send his army to help humpty when maybe a chef would’ve done instead. Again, why on earth was the king involved? Then you get insy wincy, for being a spider he wasn’t a very bright spark. He firstly climbed up a water spout.. let’s see, cloudy day, water sprout..rain..light bulb..ting†¦but no, he goes and climbs up the spout. Again next time use the wall, he must have been a male, duh.. We pass the old age home every day on our way to school. I always feel sorry for these poor people; I mean how can people leave their mom’s there. But then I think about the old women who lived in a shoe.. Now that’s really sad, sure do hope it’s a really big shoe. Nursery rhymes are really silly, but if you can’t beat them join them. There’s my version: There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. The place was disgusting and smelled like pee-ewe! The windows were drafty. The roof was a leaker. But that’s what you get When you live in a sneaker. Humpty Dumpty sat in a tree. Humpty Dumpty got stung by a bee. He fell out and hit his head, and now he thinks his name is â€Å"Fred.†The tighty-whity spider went down the waterslide. Got a water wedgie halfway down the ride. Jumped up and screamed and ran around in pain. Now the tighty-whity spider will not do that again.
Friday, August 16, 2019
One Friday Morning Essay
The short story â€Å"One Friday Morning†by Langston Hughes is about a young black girl, Nancy Lee, who recently moved out of the South with her parents so they may provide her with a better life and schooling. Very talented in watercolor painting, she wanted to make that her major in college. Regrettably, there are some people in the world that are just blinded by race and forget how America was supposed to be a place for equal rights without tyranny. Nancy Lee may be a colored girl, but at times in her new school she forgets that she has different skin color than the rest of the students. Her peers would overlook her race as well, and they saw her as a young and talented individual. This represents foreshadowing that she was not seen as colored although she was. Nancy Lee had painted an award winning piece worthy of a scholarship to an art institute. The painting was of her grandmother sitting on a park bench looking at the American flag on a bright sunny day. Unfortunately, the art institute didn’t realize that Nancy Lee was a colored girl at the time they chose her painting. When it was made known, they decided to give the scholarship to a white student as they felt if Nancy Lee were to attend the Institute it would cause controversy amongst others. The day Nancy was to receive the award, she was told by her principal, Miss O’Shay, that she would not acquire this magnificent prize because of the color of her skin. Miss O’Shay regrettably informed the talented girl that â€Å"When the committee learned that you were colored, they changed their plans. †Nancy Lee looked up at her principal and noticed the bright spring day it was outside just like in her painting. At the weekly assembly, Nancy Lee took her seat along with 3000 other students, turned her head, and said the pledge to the flag that is supposed to symbolize freedom and equal rights with â€Å"Liberty and justice for all†. She then decided that even though she was not accepting the award, which was rightfully hers, she would fight to make a difference in the future so no other young girls would go through what she was currently enduring. One gloomy day the principal, Miss O’Shay called Nancy Lee into her office after school. Miss O’Shay made Nancy Lee aware that her painting had won the contest; but also asked her to keep it a secret until the assembly on Friday when she was to accept the award. She was not supposed to tell Nancy Lee, however, Miss O’Shay felt it would be in Nancy Lee’s best interest to know ahead of time so she wouldn’t be taken off guard and could remain composure at the time of the acceptance. The irony in this is that if Miss O’Shay did not tell Nancy Lee of her winning then, on the day of the assembly, Nancy Lee would not have to be called into the office to receive the disturbing news that she would not be called on stage to accept the award because of the color of her skin. Even though Nancy Lee, as well as her peers, would sometimes forget that she was a brown girl, the committee couldn’t see past her skin color. Nancy Lee went from being a bright eyed, brown colored girl to a dark girl that day. Within the context of the story Langston Hughes portrays the stars on the American Flag as a symbol of hope to all. Not only in the 1950’s but also in today’s society the stars on our flag of freedom represent what all Americans are about, liberation and equal rights for all. Our ancestors came to this country to make a better life for themselves as well as their children. Even during our national anthem â€Å"The Star Spangled Banner†the last verse says â€Å"Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave†The stars on the flag will always mean the same regardless the year whether its 1814 when the national anthem was written, the 1950’s when this story took place, or in the year 2012. Bigotry is something that we all have to deal with. Some people are so scared of change and anything different. Even though we all have the same rights as humans, some people just can’t see past the color of a person’s skin; not just the outer difference, but also religious beliefs as well. We live in a society that no matter how much a person can persevere through discrimination there is always going to be someone to try and hold them back. In my point of view, intolerance of someone that is different is a disgrace to all mankind. This is something that Langston Hughes illustrates very well in the story. Nancy Lee, a very talented young girl, deserved to win the scholarship; but because of the color of her skin she was denied what was rightfully hers.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
A crucible of American Identity Essay
From the founding of the United States to its keeping, wars have been fought- some lost some won- but by re-examining history, some decisions about going to war or capitulation have been learned and questions asked. Could they have been avoided and other strategies sought? Analyzing the relationship between the United States and the North African Barbary States in the 1800s conveys the author’s main purpose in this article by showing how a young nation at that period in time was taken advantage of by the Barbary States and made to pay frequent ridiculous tributes to sultans, yet its citizens imprisoned, killed or enslaved. The eventual consequence was the pursuit of reciprocity: respect and honesty in trades. The author takes us on a journey from the beginning to the crest and the nadir through the experiences of some exemplary individuals of how the United States eventually got what it wanted. The story of William Bainbridge, famously described here as having pervasive bad lu ck, sets the tone of the fate which befell the Americans frequently but specifically on the George Washington. The anger that must have seethed from their thoughts from the humiliation they experienced when their course was redirected to Istanbul under severe threats could not be tempered as Bainbridge himself swore that he would never take tribute to Algiers â€Å"unless authorized to deliver it from the mouth of our canon†. This told well of the humiliation as he once more quipped†such mortifying degradations†¦.makes me ponder on the words, independent United States†. This meant that the lofty image the United States had of itself or the image it portrayed to some other nations as a powerful nation that could defeat the British Empire in battle was false. How do you explain defeating a giant yet yielding to an ant? Nevertheless, this was a catalyst for a nation to create and reaffirm its identity, to live up to the image it portrayed, bring the abuse by the Barbary States to a stop and restore some pride. Dealing with the Barbary States from the home turf proved mor e difficult as the then President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson was known for his vacillations. He promised to attack the Barbary States and not yield to their vain promises or their incessant demands for more tributes but went around and lessened the number of navy ships that could wage war on those states. Something I call a backwards progress. It later dawned on the President that inaction was not the best solution so he bypassed the congress and instructed the navy to act on the previous treaties they already had with the North African states. By bypassing the congress to authorize a military action on those states meant that the succeeding presidents of the United States could also do this during their tenure. It is what we popularly call Executive Action. Several individuals ran up the list of bravery and cowardice. A notable example of the cowards was Richard Morris whose pitiful attempt at charming the pasha by capitulating with a $5000 â€Å"inducement†had him scampering back to the safety of his ship for fear of being taken hostage when the pasha said his t ribute was laughable at best. A further smear on the power of the United States as this signaled that the Barbary States had an upper hand in trades and negotiations. Here come the noteworthy braves: i) Edward Preble, whose audacious approach to the emperor of Morocco resulted in the unconditional renewal of the 1786 treaty between the two nations. ii) Stephen Decatur, whose conquest with Edward Preble in the burning of the grounded Philadelphia rang across Europe as a valorous deed of the â€Å"age†, an act of immortal glory. Lastly was Eaton, whose determination to dethrone Yusuf and enthrone Hamid though outnumbered was brought to an abrupt end when an American naval ship the USS Constellation sailed up and informed him that the President had settled issues with Yusuf. His efforts were gallant because Yusuf thought the Americans were gaining grounds on all flanks and that compelled him to yield to negotiations. Had Eaton not been determined, the pasha may not have yielded as he had often laughed off the advances of the Americans in the past. In summary, whatever the stars and stripes may come to symbolize nowadays to an individual, the price of war is always greater than the price of reasonable negotiation but the price of identity may be the sum of both. The United states time and over has come to establish that identity across the world by declaring war or negotiating with nations whose actions have direct impact on its domestic affairs. Some OPEC countries can easily determine the price of barrels of crude oil on a whim but also readily come to negotiations with the United States if certain conditions are met. These conditions could be likened to the tributes of the 1800s. But on another hand, those countries whose stubbornness to conform with pacts and whose foreign affairs affect the domestic affairs here could easily find themselves entrenched in a war with the United States. Most notable examples are Iraq, Syria and Libya; the war in Iraq was shrouded under the cloud of Weapons of Mass Destruction but it actually was for the control of Oil and Syria likewise because the ISIS has control over critical oil installations and refineries. The Libyan war was based on support. To support the rebels to dethrone Ghaddafi who sat on an abundance of oil wells and was trying to galvanize the Muslim and all African countries to ignore dealings with the United States, proposing one currency and a United States of Africa â €“an identity- had he succeeded, the authority of the United States would be threatened.
Challenges/ Problems facing Air Cargo
I had the opportunity of talking to Mark Peterson an employee of National Air Cargo working in the Marketing and planning department and ask him some of the challenges the company is facing and what can be done to solve the problems.National air cargo is a worldwide air cargo service provider that is committed to delivering its clients goods in a fast, efficient and reliable way. As much as it is renowned for the good work it does, it is faced with several challenges that need to be addressed for it to be the very best in this field.The most critical problems/Challenges facing National Air cargoThe fluctuations in the oil prices especially the threats of increasing the global oil prices has seriously affected the air cargo business. National air cargo is feeling this impact as a lot of money is now being spent on fuel and this has led to cuts in various operations and the budget.The impact of this is a reduction in the number of flights so as to meet their budget requirements and mak e profits, some workers being laid off and less profit for the company.Another problem is the Air cargo security risks. National air Cargo is facing potential risks that come in the form of the ever increasing cases of theft and smuggling and the shipping undetected materials so as to meet strict deadlines.This poses a great danger in that one can never be sure of what is being transported and there are possibilities of carrying explosive devices that will not only destroy goods but endangering the lives of all those on board.The future of National air cargoThe future of National Air Cargo will be better and brighter because it aims at expanding its cargo facilities, improving baggage handling equipment as it embraces new technologies and making sure that it retains its employees and even recruit more qualified personnel.All this can and will be achieved if the current leaders take it upon themselves to make sure that they can forecast better on what lies in the future so that when plans are made, they can have allowances for uncertainties and this will ensure that the impact of the uncertainties will not be as harsh as we see now.More attention should also be placed on integrating technology into the system so that there is better advanced ways of tracking cargo as it departs from the ports to their arrival destinations and also to be used in cargo inspection. So that our clients receive the services they are supposed to in a more qualified, responsive and personalized smooth way.Comments or suggestions for members in an air cargo management classManagers and future managers in the air cargo business need to be sufficiently self aware, cognitive and morally developed in order to understand not only how to develop a shared vision within their organizations but also how to effectively communicate and implement the necessary skills, policies and plans that are of use to their businesses.The members attending the air cargo management class should be aware of air operations, be risk takers and listen to their fellow workmates so that they can get to know their views and opinions in certain issues as this will broaden their ways on thinking and even get solutions to the various problems that affect the company.In doing so, they will become better leaders and colleagues who have the best interest of their organization at heart.ReferencesInterview with Mark Peterson, National Air Cargo: Marketing and Planning Department
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