Monday, September 30, 2019
Interrelationship of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Essay
In the article â€Å"Interrelationship of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation†by Jerry Dermer, there are three different assumptions about the interrelationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation from three different researchers. Firstly, Deci, E.L. stated that an extrinsic performance-contingent reward reduces people’s intrinsic motivation. Secondly, Hofstede, G.H. supported that intrinsic motivation is a necessary co-requisite for extrinsic rewards to be motivating; however, intrinsic motivation is not reduced in the occurrence of extrinsic rewards. Thirdly, the general assumption of many motivational researchers believed that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are unrelated. The purpose of the study was to firstly determine if there is a relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and then to help management in resolving the dilemma of whether or not they should provide rewards based on performance. The study conducted a questionnaire which was distributed to 81 department store managers in a large department store chain. The questionnaire included measurements for extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. For extrinsic motivation’s measurement, the questionnaire listed seven statements for managers to rate on the Likert scale. The budget performance in these seven statements was linked to seven extrinsic outcomes: recognition, advancement, job security, better peer relations, better supervisory relations, increased responsibility, and increased salary. For example, â€Å"‘exceeding budgeted performance will lead to more responsibility’†(Dermer, 1975). For intrinsic motivation’s measurement, the questionnaire only listed three statements asking the managers to rate the level to which higher order need satisfaction is affected by good performance. For instance, â€Å"‘Doing my job well gives me a feeling of accomplishment’†(Dermer , 1975). In order to have a fair and accurate result, both statements were presented in Likert format. Managers needed to rank the statements from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Also, the questionnaire was intermixed with other random statements to minimize halo effects and hence increase the accuracy of the result. The result reinforces Hofstede’s statement and overthrows Deci’s and the general assumptions. This research showed that the higher a store manager’s intrinsic motivation, the greater his responsibility, recognition, pay and motivation for advancement. The main finding was that intrinsic motivation was an essential co-requisite for extrinsic motivation. Meanwhile, extrinsic reward would not reduce workers’ intrinsic motivation. The research found out that the higher one’s intrinsic motivation, the greater his motivation for extrinsic rewards. Therefore, based on this concept, management should implement some strategies to stimulate workerâ⠂¬â„¢s intrinsic motivation. During the hiring process, the hiring manager of the organization should inquire about the interviewees’ interests. The main purpose of doing this is to make sure that the interviewee does like the job. The goal of the interview is to hire people who are intrinsically motivated because these individuals are more willing to learn and to accept challenges. Depending on the nature of the organization, the human relations department should carefully select candidates that fit the job requirement, as well as to consider one’s personality. For example, a hospital requires nurses to be extraverted and agreeable. As the employees achieve the person-job fit, which is defined as the workers finding the job that fits their values the most, the employees will have a higher level of intrinsic motivation. For example, when a patient is recovered, the nurse will be proud of herself, hence her intrinsic motivation will increase. Besides, management should work to increase the level of organizational commitment of the workers. The higher the affective commitment, the higher the level of job performance the workers achieve. The reason is that if the workers have high affective commitment, they are more motivated to stay in the organization and is happy to devote their time and energy in benefiting the firm. High affective commitment implies these workers are intrinsically motivated because they love their work. To increase the level of organizational commitment, management should provide a fun workplace and encourage them to think creatively. Moreover, managers should permit workers to have great autonomy and encourage new ideas at the workplace so that workers will be more willing to think about ideas in a greater depth. However, promoting intrinsic motivation may lead to several potential costs. Firstly, a long period of time is needed to foster each worker’s intrinsic motivation. Secondly, the strategies to nurture intrinsic motivation vary from person to person. Even though there are potential costs for promoting intrinsic motivation, the potential benefits resulting from intrinsic motivation are much greater. Firstly, an organization will be more profitable and efficient as its employees are more self-motivated and satisfied with their job. The more self-motivated the employees are, the higher their efficiency. Also, workers will be more motivated and will not need continuous supervision if they like the job. Another benefit from having intrinsically motivated workers is that these workers are less likely to be late as they like their job. Also they are more likely to excel at their jobs. Hence, the organization’s efficiency will be improved significantly. To conclude, the article â€Å"Interrelationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation†by Jerry Dermer is informative in explaining the relationship between two different types of motivation. The reason is that Jerry found three different authoritative researchers and compared their views. Instead of taking away from the research, readers should think about Deci’s and Hofstede’s statement critically because Jerry Derman also talked about the saving grace of Deci’s statement. Lastly, the recommendations for management practices are appropriate as all of the organizations highly demand intrinsically motivated employees. Reference Dermer, J. (1975). The interrelationship of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The Academy of Management Journal, 18(1), 125-129. Retrieved from
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Mercury Athetic
Net Present Value of Mercury Athletic Enterprise The results of my financial analysis based on the Free Cash Flow Method considering the base case of financial projections and assumptions for Mercury Athletic Footwear collated and developed by John Liedtke indicate that that the project to acquire Mercury Althletic has a positive net present value at $243,025 (in thousands) [ given by PV(FCF)=86,681+ PV (Terminal Value) =156,343] which is also greater than the recommended acquisition price of $186,216 (in thousands),therefore Active Gear Inc. hould proceed with the acquisition of Mercury’s operation. Free Cash Flow The free cash flow from Mercury’s business operations was determined using the base case for the consolidated operating income, expenses, tax rate and depreciation to determine the net operating profits after tax (NOPAT) for the years 2007-2011. Free cash flow was then calculated using the formula (FCF= NOPAT + Depreciation-? Net Working Capital -?Fixed Asset s) which was evaluated at $21,240, $26,727, $ 22,097, $25,473 and $29,545 for the years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively. The Cost of Debt and the Cost of Equity The next step was to determine the coast of debt, using the assumptions made by Mr. Liedtke which outlines a tax rate of 40%, the cost of debt of 6% for a leverage of 20% debt. The after-tax cost of debt (RD) was determined to be 3. % [using RD =(R*(1-Tax Rate), where RD =after rate cost of debt, R= cost of debt] The cost equity estimated using the CAPM approach, Surfside Footwear was selected as a comparable company since its EBIT Margin of 9. 3% was the same as the average consolidated EBIT Margin of Mercury Athletic for period 2004-2006, the Equity Beta for Surfside from Exhibit 3 was 2. 13. The risk free was determined to be 4. 69% using US Treasury Bills Yield given in the case Footnotes on page 7. The 5 year T-bill yield was selected as†¦
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Security Issues Related to the Expansion of the City Airport Research Paper
Security Issues Related to the Expansion of the City Airport - Research Paper Example Security issues related to the expansion of the city airport In post 9/11 world the security and protection are increasingly challenging tasks. Managers and business leaders have an important role, especially the security managers. The city airport is a busy airport operating close to its capacity. The expansion project includes the construction of a new runway and terminal. This is not an unusual situation, many other airports around the world. In this paper is presented the lessons learned with Chicago and Minneapolis airport expansion The implications related to an airport expansion are several. They are related to political issues, construction and environmental and demanding during the operation ( Neufville, 2008). From a Security Manager perspective produce a report about this project. This report will respond to the following questions: What are the full range of risks faced? What should the security strategy be? What additional security products and services might be needed? What special organisational structures might need to be created? What can be learnt from comparable projects that have occurred? What links might be developed with the public policing agencies, media and interest groups? Is there scope for security to be organised and arranged to bring financial benefits to the company? Would you advise the Board to reconsider their decision? In order to improve the efficiency in the process of decision making is important to define and measure all the benefits and risks of the airport expansion. It’s recommended a SWOT analysis. Risks Faced The airport expansion has associated major sources of uncertain and risks. â€Å"In the current climate, long-term forecasts cannot be developed with any degree of confidence. On the contrary, as has been extensively documented, forecasts of airport traffic today are ‘always wrong’.†( Neufville, 2008). As said the expansion of the airport will the constructed on the adjacent land whic h is currently a small forest. Next to it there is a country park popular with local residents, which includes: children’s play area, lake with ducks/swans etc, football pitches. There is also a housing estate next to the park and forest with over 1500 residents. The proximity with the existing infrastructure implies some risks to the success of the project. The risks and uncertainties over the lifespan of the expansion could be divided into three major groups: - Political issues and Government policy; - Construction and environmental; - Demand during operation. Political issues and Government policy The project of the airport expansion requires government and local authority permits. These processes are intrinsically related to the decision-making process those entities. Therefore the delays in the decision-making process are a risk. When depending on the decision of those authorities the project could be affected by too many advances and drawbacks. Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Discuss your Understanding of the pros and cons of MRPII systems, Essay
Discuss your Understanding of the pros and cons of MRPII systems, citing at least two Web sources. How could any new system be better than an MRPII system - Essay Example es and processes information for effective decision making in scheduling, designing, inventory management and cost control in the business (Goddard, 1993). MRP II is a computer-based scheme that generates detailed production schedules using real time data to harmonize the influx of constituent resources. It is commonly used by itself, but also with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The MRP II system does have pros and cons which are elaborated subsequently (Goddard, 1993). The Manufacturing Resource Planning II promotes improved consistency in-on-time customer delivery and enhances inventory reductions of one-fourth to one-third. Also, there is elevated inventory turnover decline in purchasing costs because of fewer expedited shipments. Lastly, it minimizes of workforce overtime (Goddard, 1993). The cons of MRP II are centered on the fact that all of the preceding planning before creation can be based on disingenuous data and decelerate the production process itself. As unanticipated changes occur, the planning process ought to be recalculated from the start, which can cause wastefulness if feedback about drawbacks is not supplied on a well-timed, regular basis (Goddard, 1993). In conclusion, the current MRP II system takes time to put up and implement and so a new system will be better. Some recent MRP II systems have integrated limited decision making support functionality, whereas the business is moving to a newer age band of a stable, comprehensive technology, and risk is relatively low (Murgiano,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Review Of A Musical Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review Of A Musical Performance - Essay Example Considering the tight competition, the audience is always sure of getting the best from every performance. From the look of the audience, some come mainly to be entertained while others come to support their preferred artist. Jeers and cheers are depending on how the audience takes it usually accompany the performance. Every year, the concert grows bigger and bigger with new and raw talent. Students are usually packed in the auditorium hours before the main performance. This is done to ensure that none misses on good space view or single performance. Before the concern officially begins, students can be heard talking among themselves while others are busy browsing their phones. On the announcement of the first performances, the mood changes abruptly as every eye is fixed on the podium. The show is usually full of many surprises, fun and a lot of laughter. The various music producers can be seen in their notebooks, recording what they feel is relevant to them as they discuss among the mselves. The thrill of the performers as they jump from one corner of the podium to the other is refreshing. A keen look at the performing artist, we notice that his thrill increases when the crowd cheers and cools a little bit when there is a jeer. The behavior really proves that the success of an artist largely depends on the number of fans that enjoy their music. This kept me thinking about the kind of music that is common in our radio stations and even TV screen.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
NURSING DIAGNOSIS OF EMPHYSEMA, OSTEOPOROSIS AND HYPETENSION - Essay Example Emphysema happens mostly in patients with reduced alpha 1- anti-trypsin (A1AT) levels. Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency (A1AD) destroys alveolar tissues. Smoking reduces A1AT to greater extend and cause emphysema People at this stage of life are recovering from middle adulthood and experience Despair versus Integrity. The basic strength at this age is wisdom. Those who lived up to their dreams in life usually enjoy good memories and this is what is identified as integrity. Having failed to achieve better life and bearing in mind the situation of the patient's aliments, the patient is not able to find her true self to develop her personal ego as expected of her age. She may not develop wisdom This is evidenced by the patient's ailments which appear like co morbidity of several disease conditions or a cascade of ailments. she had suffered osteoporosis for 8 years, emphysema for 12 years, hyperlipidemia for 5 years and hypertension for 15 years keeping pain diary to assist in identification of irritating and ease factors on pain, assisted the patient in selecting best management strategy and acknowledge and recognize patients past experience (Green 2007) Aggrenox one (200mg) tablet twice a day, Coreg 3.125 mg per oral administration twice a day and Cozaar 50mg per oral administration everyday to reduce high blood pressure. ... Treatment Open (bronchial ventilation) by suction or giving medication that reduce secretions, acid base management techniques and use of medication. keeping pain diary to assist in identification of irritating and ease factors on pain, assisted the patient in selecting best management strategy and acknowledge and recognize patients past experience (Green 2007) Medication Aggrenox one (200mg) tablet twice a day, Coreg 3.125 mg per oral administration twice a day and Cozaar 50mg per oral administration everyday to reduce high blood pressure. Administer Acetaminophen 650mg six hours interval to relive mild pain and reduce fever. Ipratropium Bromide two puffs twice a day to reduce allergic reactions and secretions as well as for brocho-dilatation Diet 3. The patient to be put on a steady diet with more calcium and vitamin D and also carry out exercises to strengthen the back. Referred the patient to osteoporosis support. Pr Assessment Functional Health Patterns Nursing Diagnosis 1 The patient has intermittent sleep patterns only able to tolerate with HOB up in high fowler position. The patient has suffered osteoporosis for the past 8 years, multiple admission for pneumonia. Osteoporosis causes a lot of skeleton-muscular pain because the bones gradually weaken and any slight strain on the body structure is very painful(Green 2007) The functional health patterns are identified as; 1. Sleep-Rest Patterns 2. Sensory Perception Patterns Psychological Nursing diagnosis the patient experienced stress and anxiety Physiological Nursing Diagnosis The patient experienced disturbed sleeping patterns and Ineffective airway clearance In relation to being
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Internal and External Factors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Internal and External Factors - Essay Example In order to understand the importance of management functions, it is vital to consider a specific organization in today’s business environment. The organization of choice is Walmart. This organization operates retail stores around the world. Retail markets are dynamic in nature, an aspect that makes it essential to examine how management in this organization undertakes its functions. On the same note, the fact that Walmart operates retail stores globally makes management a critical factor in the global business setting. Planning is the first major function of management. The formulation and realization of an organization’s goals depend on this role of management. In Walmart, planning encompasses the process of strategizing on how to achieve the firm’s short-term and long-term goals. The successful positioning of the retailer in both domestic and international markets is driven by the implementation of strategies that inform the realization of the set goals. The management decides on their retailing approach and the best ways to meet consumer needs. In this respect, planning is an ongoing practice that requires change or alterations if need be. In planning, Walmart’s management engages vibrant advertising and feedback collection practices that solely focus on the customer. This practice takes into account the firm’s marketing, sales, and supply chain management needs. In addition, the organization runs promotional projects that seek to capture consumer attention and convince them to buy. In essence, planning seeks to mobilize organizational processes and strategies that best address the goals and objectives set by the organization. The management cannot achieve the desired organizational outcomes without being organized. In the organizational context, organizing encompasses the mobilization of resources and personnel to ensure that the firm remains in the right business path. Organizing requires the management to allocate
Monday, September 23, 2019
Answer the specific questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Answer the specific questions - Assignment Example The price revolution served as the basis for the French revolution because people had less to eat and suffered from famine and hunger. In contrast, the Haitian revolution was instigated by massive objection to the slave trade. Haitian people are quite popular for their slave revolt in history. The American revolution was the war for independence basically. This demand for independence was reinforced by the enlightenment political thought which advocated people-driven government. This shows that different reasons laid foundations for three most important historical revolutions despite some similarities in the way these revolutions advanced. The cotton gin was an object of historical importance invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. This machine which made its appearance in 1793 is considered important by gigantic proportions because of the influence it exerted on the internal slave trade. Another factor which contributes to its importance is related to the ease in cleaning cotton. The cotton gin made it easier for slaves to clean cotton in a really short time. This machine is important because cotton rapidly became a cash crop in the south because of it. More land was needed when this business picked momentum in the south and this made the elitist whites take land away from the Native Americans. The south attracted huge popularity because of rapid production of cotton. More slaves were employed as free labor by white farmers to harvest the cotton. This is how an ordinary object like the cotton gin promoted the internal slave trade in the US. With more cotton production, whites’ dependency on slaves also increased in d irect relationship. This led to an increase in the number of uneducated slaves in America. These things happened because of an ordinary machine called the cotton gin. Achievements, in my opinion, constitute greatness in history. It is the glorious achievements of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Racial Disparities in Correction Populations Essay
Racial Disparities in Correction Populations - Essay Example The above information, if given with critical analysis could be used to strongly prove that racial disparities in correction populations exist in the US justice system. It is important to dig on this issue because this could entirely create a significant impact on the US justice system, not only on its national and federal context, but on the entire international setting. The US, as a primary advanced and influential nation on earth, should always ensure it has substantially showed the appropriate example in all aspects especially for humanitarian cause. After all, there is a negative meaning associated with racial disparities and this could be enough at some point to remarkably refute the remarkable image of the US towards fairness in dealing with justice. There are varying opinions and even substantial justifications in line with racial disparities. The proof of these can be considered through various researches and other related studies that could potentially create meaningful ins ights about racial disparities in general. ... Justice systems employ important legal concerns. These legal acts encompass the society, and eventually groups of people. Race involves group of people so it is eventually a social group which is subject of a social construct and that it can only be refined to function well if there is prevailing justice system. Racial disparity therefore is about â€Å"unfair, unjust, unequal or unnecessary care or treatment of group of people†which can be evidently observed through the association of their race with whatever case confronting them (Loue & Sajatovic 2011, p.1260). Correctional populations defined There are varying existing definitions or concepts about correctional populations. However, in the context of the discussion in the prevailing justice system in the United States, the following are individuals that should be considered who belong to the correctional populations: they are incarcerated individuals either in prison, jail or supervised by the community that could be eith er probation or parole (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2012). Correctional populations therefore are composed of groups of people who have to face punishment or consequences of their acts as interpreted and justified by the final authority of the justice system. Evidences of racial disparities in correctional populations There are varying evidences of racial disparities in correctional populations and basically this can be illustrated by understanding the percentage of racial groups represented in a certain population, the number of individuals of a racial or minority groups that are integral parts of the criminal justice system, and many more (Walker,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The United Nations Organization Essay Example for Free
The United Nations Organization Essay The United Nations Organization emerged out of the ashes of the Second World War. Its predecessor, the League of Nations which was created out of the crises of the World War I, obviously failed to prevent the occurrence of another worldwide military crisis. In the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations, its first stated objective is to â€Å"to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Charter). Surprisingly, the word â€Å"peacekeeping†does not appear anywhere in the Charter of new organization. It, however, became very apparent that in order for the United Natons to carry out its first objective of saving humanity from the scourge of war, peacekeeping would be necessary. Since its first peacekeeping mission in 1948, the objectives of peackeeping have evolved and have sometimes been defined by the conflicts (Peacekeeping). â€Å"Although the military remain the backbone of most peacekeeping operations, the many faces of peacekeeping now include administrators and economists, police officers and legal experts, de-miners and electoral observers, human rights monitors and specialists in civil affairs and governance, humanitarian workers and experts in communications and public information†(Peacekeeping). Given the conceptual diversity of peacekeeping, any measurement of operational success must go back to the Charter to see if the activities of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission has contributed to the prevention of the scouge of war and its collateral effects. In this paper, two cases of the the U. N. Peackeeing activities, one each in Europe and Africa, would be examined with reference to the first stated objective in the preamble to determine the failure or success of peacekeeping operations. First of all, the very important distinction between peace-making and peacekeeping has to be made. Peace-making is the process of resolving armed conflicts between nations or within a nation. The United Nations limited in its ability to act because of the principle of territorial sovereignty. â€Å"During much of the cold war †¦ most non-Western countries raised the banner of state sovereignity to protect themselves from the unwanted interference of larger states, and the United Nations repeatedly upheld this principle in Security Council resolution†(Holmes, 1993). This preventing the United Nations from getting involved in internal conflicts. On the other hand, the United Nationns only peace-making efforts were limited to diplomacy, a process that did not appy in intra-nation conflicts. Most importantly, the United Nations does not have a standing military to enforce peace. As a a consequence, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force did not get involved in conflict resolutions or making peace. This was left to the Security Council. When, through diplomtic efforts, participants in an armed conflict reach terms of peace, then the United Nations Peacekeeping Force moves in to monitor and not enforce the peace. Even with the end of the Cold War and the U. N. getting involved in resolving intra-nation conflicts, its Peackeeping Force is still a monitoring force. â€Å"The end of the Cold War has brought many changes to the field of United Nations peacekeeping. However, most of the changes have been changes in size and quantitymore operations and bigger operationsrather than different types of operations†(Gibson, 1998). Any measure of the success of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces must be interpreted in light of its limitations and objectives. As the Soviet Union dissolved, old ethnic rivalries were revived as nation-states began to form along ethnic lines in Eastern Europe. This was certainly the case in the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The uniqueness of the Yugoslavian situation was that Yugoslavia had ceased to exist as a nation. So the issue of territorial sovereignty could not be claimed since there was no government with a recognized territory. In 1991, Croatia and Slovenia broke away from the rest of the country and declared independence. The dissolution of Yugoslavia had begun. The Serbian-controlled government supported the Serbs in Croatia who opposed Croatia’s independence. This resulted in a civil war which was also a war of independence. Sanctions and diplomacy brought about a cease fire. The United Nations sent in a peacekeeping force with the mandate to ensure that the society did not move into total anarchy and that the conditions for peace were in place. The United Nations Protection Force or UNROFOR, as the peacekeeping force was called, was sent into Croatia in 1992. While UNPROFOR was in Croatia, several massacres occurred. UNPROFOR was stationed in Croatia because the Croats were at a disadvantage against the Serbian controlled military of the former Yugoslavia. Yet, the Serbian military killed many Croat civilians and prevented humanitarian aid to Croatia in 1993. Deaths were increased by inhumane conditions created by the Serbs (UNROFOR, 1996). United Nations passed Resolution 819 which made Srebrenica a United Nations â€Å"Sate Area†. This meant that any attack on Srebrenica would be an attack on the United Nations. The Security Council passed another resolution, Resolution 836, to extend this mandate to UNROFOR itself. Unfortunately, UNROFOR was poorly equipped and its non-combat mandate did not allow it to prevent the Bosnian forces from using Srebrenica as the staging grounds for anti-Serbian attacks. The attacks from Srebrenica angered the Serbs and they responded by attacking UNPROFOR and obstructing humanitarian aid into Srebrenica. When the United Nations forces cannot protect themselves, how can they protect even less unarmed civilians? The situation deteriorated in 1993 when war broke out between the Bosnians and the Croats. Serbs and Bosnians were in Ahmici were massacred (UNROFOR, 1996). The situation had deteriorated to the point where one group’s atrocities were met by atrocities by from the other group. The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the former Yugoslavia were completely ineffective to the point where their operations were limited to United Nations Save Areas. It took a threat from the Croatian Government to get the Security Council to change the mandate of UNPROFOR to include military action (UNROFOR, 1996). In 1994, more atrocities occurred while UNROFOR was present. The Serbs attacked Gorazde, a United Nations Safe Area, and hundreds of civilians were killed. NATO bombed Serb positions and the Serbs captured UNPROFOR personnel and used them as human shields, placing them in locations that they NATO could possibly bomb. No matter what standard of measurement is used, it can be said that the United Nations peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia was a dismal failure. UNPROFOR failed in its mission to protect the Serbs, Bosnians, and Croats from the scourge of war. As a matter of fact, UNROFOR could not even protect itself from the scourge of war. In this situation, peacekeeping failed by any metric. Consider another case in Africa. Genocide in Rwanda has been dramatized in the movie Hotel Rwanda. Many of the worst mass murders occurred while the United Nations had peacekeepers on the ground. First, let us get some background information. Civil war broke out in Rwanda in 1990. The parties were the Hut-dominated government and the opposition Tutsi-led Rwandese Patriotic Front or the RPF (Rwanda, 2001). The United Nations got involved in this arena about three years after the war began. At the request of the governments of Rwanda and Uganda, the United Nations sent military observers in the border area between the two countries. The force was called United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda or UNAMIR. According to the United Nations own web site, â€Å"UNAMIRs mandate was: to assist in ensuring the security of the capital city of Kigali; monitor the ceasefire agreement, including establishment of an expanded demilitarized zone and demobilization procedures; monitor the security situation during the final period of the transitional Governments mandate leading up to elections; assist with mine-clearance; and assist in the coordination of humanitarian assistance activities in conjunction with relief operations†(Rwanda, 2001). The United Nations forces were in Rwanda when nearly one million people were massacred by the government supported Hutu forces. The deaths are estimated to be between 500,000 to one million (Des Forges, 1999). All this occurred within a very brief period, April to July. How did this happen? The catalyst for the genocide was the deaths of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi in a plane that was shot down as it about to land in Kigali, the Rwandan capital. The crash was blamed on Tutsi-led RPF (Des Forges, 1999). The next day, the wife of the Rwandan president was assassinated and the ten UNAMIR soldiers that were protecting were found dead. Hutu militias and the military went on a murder binge, killing every Tutsi that could found regardless of age, gender, or political affiliation. The world could not have been ignorant about these atrocities. As the situation deteriorated in Kigali, western countries evacuated their citizens and left the Tutsi to fend for themselves. Mass rapes, mutilations, and murders quickly spread nationwide. UNAMIR was ineffective to respond at the onset of the genocide because of resistance by members of the Security Council. UNAMIR failed in every respect to meet its own mandate. There was no capital to secure, no peace agreement to monitor, and no security situation at all. The western nations did not want to get involved in Rwanda mainly because it was not popular with their governments for their citizens to placed in harms way in Africa. United Nations Peacekeeping activities have to be measure in terms of the objectives of the United Nations Charter and the mandates given by the United Nations. If these objectives and mandates cannot be met, then the United Nations ought not to be involved at all. False peacekeeping is just as bad as no peacekeeping. References Charter of the United Nations. An Internet publication retrieved on May 8, 2009 from: http://www. un. org/aboutun/charter/preamble. shtml Des Forges, Alison (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved on May 8, 2009 from. http://www. hrw. org/reports/1999/rwanda. Gibson, Susan S. (1998). The Misplaced Reliance on Free and Fair Elections in Nation Building: The Role of Constitutional Democracy and the Rule of Law. Houston Journal of International Law. Volume: 21. Issue: 1. Page 1 Holmes, Kim R. (1993). New world disorder: a critique of the United States. Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 46, 1993 Peacekeeping. United Nations Peackeeping. An Internet publication retrieved on May 8, 2009 from http://www. un. org/Depts/dpko/dpko/ Rwanda (2001). Rwanda: United Nations Assistance Mission For Rwanda –UNAMIR- October 1993- March 1996. UNPROFOR (1996) – United Nations Protection Force. Former Yugoslavia UNPROFOR. Prepared by the Department of Public Information, United Nations as of September 1996. An Internet publication retrieved on May 8, 2009 from http://www. un. org/Depts/dpko/dpko/co_mission/unprof_b. htm
Friday, September 20, 2019
SWOT Analysis Of Nandos Restaurant
SWOT Analysis Of Nandos Restaurant Nandos city restaurant is situated in the heart of Aucklands CBD on Queen Street amongst many other food outlets. Nandos is a casual dining restaurant group originating from South Africa with a Portuguese/Mozambican theme. Founded in 1987, Nandos operates in 30 countries on 5 continents. Nandos specializes in chicken dishes with either lemon or herb, medium, hot or extra hot Peri-Peri marinades. In some countries, Nandos has other flavor options like mango and lime or Mediterranean. Nandos Restaurants is a brand image in the food industry in South Africa and now they have expanded to many parts of the world. The restaurant opened for the first time in Auckland New Zealand in 2001 and has expanded through franchising. Nandos has touched the lives of every South African living in New Zealand giving them a taste of home. They have improved the quality of their product every day and improved the quality of product and services over the years. So by doing this they deliver their customers an outstanding Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSCV). I choose this company because I have managed the Nandos in Tauranga for 6 months and I have been working at Nandos Queen Street for another 6 months. I have also working in Nandos South Africa for 3 years. The problems I faced while working for Nandos New Zealand was wastage, culture, high turnover of staff and hygiene problems etc. at the restaurant. I applied problem solving models like SWOT analysis. There were concerns with other employees of what type of problems is facing them and how to solve those problems. After researching I came to the result that because of the working environment, work stress, employees belonging to different countries, problems in communication and conflict with management. This all shows that staff needs a good training; management need training for setting rosters, lack of motivation, bad organization structure, less staff on busy shifts. Introduction All the problems which was identified in Assignment Part A will go through research process as we need to find out practical solutions for those problems. The setting for the whole project is described by few tasks or steps: Identified business problem. Need to do research for the reasons behind those problems. Need to find possible solutions. Problems that are facing Nandos are: Cultural Differences. High staff turnover. Lack of communication. Lack of motivation. Less staff in busy shifts. Hygiene problems. Research Questions: After all these problems were identified the next step is to do research and to find what the research questions are. What are the reasons behind these problems? Is there any weakness in the business behind these problems? What are the solutions behind these problems? Value of this research for the company: This research is of real benefit to the organization because they will get reasons for the problems. Our goal is to solve that problem and we will achieve our goal that the business will grow rapidly and the staff will also not get any type of problem. The management concept of principle which will explain this is: Henry Fayol in 1916 As he presented 14 principles and 5 elements which are necessary for management are: Purveyance To organize To command To co-ordinate To control This is the management principle and we can also see the value of research for the organization. Aim and purpose of the study This study has some aims and purpose which are listed below: First to find out the reasons behind those problems To find out the possible solutions for the problems. Purpose of the study: To get more knowledge about solving problems. How to use problem solving models to solve the problems for these types of companies. Methodology This part of the assignment is going to explain the methods to find the solution of these problems. We are suing a research process which includes the interview with restaurant manager, staff and customer feedback. It was carried out both formally and informally. In the end we used SWOT analysis we are going to solve these problems and to find the facts behind these problems and going to get primary data as well. This primary data involve surveys and interviews from different people as well. In the staff surveys we asked staffs what we need to do for improvement and responses we get is staff need more training, motivation and good communication. The same questions were asked to the restaurant manager as well in addition to controlling labor and improving hygiene at the restaurant. We had similar results which are more training, more working hours and motivations is needed. Customers want improvements in service and need more cleanliness in wastage and restrooms. This all comes in qualitative measures. I interviewed: My manager. Staff members. Took surveys from staff. Interview was conducted on 17th May 2011 at 15:00 because at this time they are no so busy. Literature review: This literature is about the research to figure out problems and the possible solutions behind those problems. I am going to do the SWOT analysis. This will help to find the problems and to find the possible solutions for those problems. STRENGTHS Second largest chicken restaurant. Lots of variety than others. Strong financial status. Customer feels flexible while giving orders. Friendly environment Big range of choices at very reasonable prices Big amount of investment has gone into supporting the franchise network. All food on the menu is healthy and nonfattening because it is flamed cooked on a open fire. WEAKNESS Not owned stores just expanded through franchising. Less organized staff. Customers cannot give order online. They do not announce the employee of the month. Nandos has a high turnover of staff and they need to spend more money on training and development Not many people like to eat healthy food all the time. Most of the time quality issues arise across franchising. Food takes too long to cook. Customers get impatient waiting for their food. Cast between the India people causes problems. OPPORTUNITIES New product developments like breakfast and not just a standard menu. Launching new burgers and promotions. Good learning experiences for staff. Increase market shares from their competitors. They can focus on CSR (corporate social responsibilities) THREATS Competition with KFC and other fast food stores. Attracting customers to eat junk instead of coming to Nandos to eat healthy. Customers do not want to wait a long time to place orders and receive orders. Recession and downturn in the economy may affect the retailers sales. Strengths and limitations of the study: This section will show some strength and few limitations which are listed below: As this study involves interviews this comes in qualitative measure. So qualitative measure always gives us deeper analysis of any study. This study creates some limitations as well: Limitations of study: These studies sometimes do not give accurate results. This research can be easily distracted from the purpose of research. I want to give more research keys and those are, episodic analysis and feedback. Now I am going to explain Porters five forces to explain the methodology and its relevance to the theory. THREATS OF NEW ENTRANTS KFC is the main threat for Nandos Queen Street and burgers and chicken offered by newly opened shops that are selling products at lower prices are the main threats.PORTERS FIVE FORCES OF NANDOS RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING FIRMS In downtown there are existing competitions for Nandos. Apart from fast food chains the company has to face a tough competition from other fast food chains like KFC and other new suppliers like world and local food shops DERTERMINAITON OF BUYER POWER Purchasing power of the customer is another force that affects the business. This is affected by the per capita income, income and saving of the customer in the particular ethnic group and region. THREAT OF SUBSTITUE PRODUCT As there are other fast food chains like KFC, Subway and Burger King there is a threat of substitute products offered by these chains and local food shops, restaurants and take away. These products are offered in a wide range at competitive prices. DETERMINANTS OF SUPPLIERS POWER The main factors affecting Nandos are suppliers concentration. The main internals supplier is Tegal Chicken and external supplier is COKE that process the threat forward integration.Results and Discussions As I interviewed restaurant manager and staff members I got some information about Nandos and some primary results as well. There are certain problems that are faced by Nandos Queen Street, these problems are both external and internal. These problems are identified as under: Cultural differences: Everyone belongs to different countries/cast and they do not know how to communicate with each other and how to respect each other. So there is no good work ethics. Lack of motivation: The managers are not acknowledging staff if they have done a good job. Reasons for high turnover Poor training Working environment Work stress Poor management Conflicts with management Poor training: The main reason of the employees high turnover is the lack of skills and knowledge and the partiality by the management. As everyone belongs to different countries and they lose confidence while taking new staff by the existing staff which should not be done in good organizations. Working environment: The working environment is not good for the staff because the staff like to work in a company where they are rewarded for their work or management should motivate them. So because of all this there is lack of motivation as well. Work Stress: Management does not set the roster properly and this leads to less staff in busy shifts and because of this their staff feels work stress. So they cannot manage stress. Poor management: The managers leadership style is wrong they are autocratic they do not listen to what staff is telling them. Conflict with management: Due to lack of understanding in organization staff conflict with management. Analysis of data: I think that the reason behind the cultural differences is staff is very stereotyped. As they belong to different countries they do not give importance to people of other culture. There is a lack of motivation in the company because staff are not awarded or motivated by the management if they have done a good job. Less staff in busy shifts because managers do not set the roster properly like they dont know when the restaurant is going to be busy so there is too much stress on staff on busy shifts. There is no understanding between the management and staff. Managers sometimes do partiality with their staff so there is no understanding between them and the business cannot grow. So those are the reason behind all these problems and now second thing is to give the possible solutions of these problems. On the basis of interviews these are the possible solutions which are given below: Solutions of the culture difference problem: There is only one solution to this problem that is the staff and the management has to change their stereotype nature and have to have good communication with each other. They need to understand other culture so they cannot lose confidence while communication with each other. There should be some activities, they should organize a party one in every two months so they can understand other staff members culture so they can manage everything well while working. Solution to lack of motivation: The solution to this problem is that they should have an employee of the month competition because this will increase the level of staffs performance and reward them for a job well done. Solution to the problem high staff turnover: As there is a problem of poor management because managers do not know how to set rosters for a busy shift so they should get training from head office so that the mangers and company gets well organized. Managers should also get a weekly report from head office so they have an idea of how they are performing. Appropriate training is very important for every organization so the restaurant manager should also give training according to the job description requirements so there is not a high turnover of employees. Work rotation is key in any business to increase interest in other aspects of the restaurant by allowing staff to multitask. They should recruit accurate staff who is energetic and lively. During interviews managers must set down the rules and procedures and job description. They should be fair with employees and if they want improvement in the company they have to give sufficient training to employees. Solution to wastage: Staff needs to use their mentality and to organize and know when they will be busy and at what time and what kind of menu items will be ordered. When I worked at Nandos the busiest time was between 11am to 1pm. The main menu items being ordered consistently for months as Rice, Pitas, Wraps and burgers. So my common sense told me to make more chicken tenders and chicken fillet patties cooked and kept ready and to keep less full chickens. All left over food from the night should be given to feeding charities and not to staff because staff used to cook extra chicken so it can get wasted and they can take it home. Management Theory: Four principles of management theory are: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Planning For motivation we have to make a plan and have to reward them for good work. Organizing It is very necessary to seat a roster properly and should be organized for a good balance in life. Leading Managers should lead staff in a proper way. Controlling As restaurant manager has full control on labor we need to take the feedback from all staff and the manager. I have given the SWOT problem solving model earlier. So all this is an appropriate management theory to explain the meaning of my finding of the result and their relevance. Conclusions and recommendations Conclusion This research comes to an end and lastly I want to say that Nandos Queen Street is facing high problems in culture differences, wastage, high staff turnover because of poor training and poor management. The discussions from all the staff and managers we came to the result that training is necessary with work rotation at work with accurate recruitment system. This solution will help the restaurant to minimize high staff turnover and if employees get proper training they would know what to do at a particular time. They will know about the rules and duties so their work output would be good. Job rotation will help staff to undertake all the transfers as they can do multitasking by handling any task like making burgers, grilling chicken, taking orders and give customers a better service. All these things will make staff more confident and the business will grow rapidly. I have discussed and analyzed each solution for every problem so that shows that both aim and purpose of research activity has been solved. Recommendations: I want to recommend that the restaurant manager should study the details of surveys. They need to organize everything according to the plans. They should arrange a meeting once every month and concentrate on the issues like job rotation for staff and to hire suitable staff. The managers should understand their staff and the need to look after the aspects of the restaurant. They should give them more hours of training. The manager should talk to staff face to face to hear their problems and he should come up with a strong solution to build a good relationship with them. They should not hesitate when talking to the manager. They should implement four principles of management to try out the things that causes problems in the restaurant. References: Class notes Information from Assignment Part A Google
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Emergence of Yellow Power Essays -- Civil Rights
The common perspective of the civil rights movement is often seen from one angle: and that is the African American civil rights movement towards racial equality. And though this movement had significant historical context in American history, the pursuits of other minorities such as the Asian American civil rights movement are often undermined and overlooked. Yet, the Asian American movement surpassed the efforts of the African American movement despite the social and cultural obstacles faced with integrating into a new society. Through intrinsic cultural unity and the influences of the African American civil rights movement, the Asian American civil rights movement achieved more success than the African American civil rights movement by identifying with a common goal and creating organizations to combat racial discrimination and government hypocrisy. Described by journalist Amy Uyematsu as â€Å"victims--with less visible scars--of the white institutionalized racism†, Asian Americans faced similar, if not more brutal xenophobia and racism than African Americans especially given the circumstances and historical context. The post-WWII era unified blacks and whites against a common enemy and created an assimilated group that triggered the path towards racial equality--or in other words: the makings of a more equal and integrated society for blacks and whites. However, with post WWII Japanese resentment, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War, impressions of Asian Americans in the United States declined as those for African Americans rose. Moreover, the voice of Asian Americans often went unheard as they assimilated into a â€Å"White democracy†. As a result, the emergence of the â€Å"Yellow Power†movement began as a direct influence from... ...g/pages/naacp-history>. Nittle, Nadra Kareem. "Asian-American Civil Rights Movement – History of the Asian-American Civil Rights Movement." Race Relations. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Phil Hayasaka." UW Departments Web Server. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Sei Fuji v. California." Scribd. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . Uyematsu, Amy. "The Emergence of Yellow Power In America." Web. . "What Was the 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration Act? - Illegal Immigration -" Immigration - What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . The Emergence of Yellow Power Essays -- Civil Rights The common perspective of the civil rights movement is often seen from one angle: and that is the African American civil rights movement towards racial equality. And though this movement had significant historical context in American history, the pursuits of other minorities such as the Asian American civil rights movement are often undermined and overlooked. Yet, the Asian American movement surpassed the efforts of the African American movement despite the social and cultural obstacles faced with integrating into a new society. Through intrinsic cultural unity and the influences of the African American civil rights movement, the Asian American civil rights movement achieved more success than the African American civil rights movement by identifying with a common goal and creating organizations to combat racial discrimination and government hypocrisy. Described by journalist Amy Uyematsu as â€Å"victims--with less visible scars--of the white institutionalized racism†, Asian Americans faced similar, if not more brutal xenophobia and racism than African Americans especially given the circumstances and historical context. The post-WWII era unified blacks and whites against a common enemy and created an assimilated group that triggered the path towards racial equality--or in other words: the makings of a more equal and integrated society for blacks and whites. However, with post WWII Japanese resentment, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War, impressions of Asian Americans in the United States declined as those for African Americans rose. Moreover, the voice of Asian Americans often went unheard as they assimilated into a â€Å"White democracy†. As a result, the emergence of the â€Å"Yellow Power†movement began as a direct influence from... ...g/pages/naacp-history>. Nittle, Nadra Kareem. "Asian-American Civil Rights Movement – History of the Asian-American Civil Rights Movement." Race Relations. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Phil Hayasaka." UW Departments Web Server. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Sei Fuji v. California." Scribd. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . Uyematsu, Amy. "The Emergence of Yellow Power In America." Web. . "What Was the 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration Act? - Illegal Immigration -" Immigration - What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Crash by Jerry Spinelli :: Jerry Spinelli Crash
Crash by Jerry Spinelli      Setting: This book starts out in this kids house his name is crash. Then they go to the arcade. That is where they spend most of the story. Then close to the end they go to the riverside.      Main Character: Crash he is the only one mentioned in this whole book. He is the main main character. He is tall has blonde hair, brown eyes, and has glasses. He has a funny personality. He just wants to have fun. On the outside he is a weird, tall, skinny guy on the outside but a lost, hopeless, scared boy on the inside.      Winnie is the girl that Crash likes loves dearly. She never paid much attention to Crash though. She has dirty blonde hair, really pretty blue eyes and, and is really funny.          Plot Summary: This is a story about a kid named Crash. When he was four he met this boy named James but that was all that was told about him so I didn’t put his name in the character list because he wasn’t all that important. He and Crash got into a lot of trouble at their house I mean a lot so one day when they were 12 and 13 Crash’s mother kicked him and his friend James out to go to the arcade. There they met this girl Winnie that crash liked I mean loved dearly but, she never really realized him until that day when they went to the arcade.      There he got into this big fight with the a big strong guy named Biff that was all said about him too. The guy Biff was Winnie’s really greedy boyfriend which she was only going out with because he threatened to kill her friends. That day Crash accidentally bumped into Biff and said excuse me and Biff punched him he then kicked Biff in the face since he knew karate then Biff fell to the ground and chased him until Crash jumped over James on to a game and did a back flip kicking Biff in the face again and knocking him out.      After that Winnie was amazed and fell deeply in love with Crash. For being the only person to stand up to Biff and saved her from him. After that whole big incident at the arcade they were kicked out so he, James, James’s girlfriend, and Winnie all went to the river side.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Predatory Men in William Faulkner’s Novel, Sanctuary Essay -- Faulkner
Predatory Men in William Faulkner’s Novel, Sanctuary William Faulkner’s novel, Sanctuary, is replete with subtlety and symbolism. En route to Old Frenchman’s Place, Temple Drake thinks of baseball players in the Saturday game she is missing as â€Å"crouching, uttering short, yelping cries like marsh-fowl disturbed by an alligator, not certain of where the danger is, motionless, poised†(37). In creating such an image of predation, Faulkner prepares the reader for Temple’s arrival at Old Frenchman’s Place â€â€the prey/predator metaphor lending itself perfectly to Temple’s situation vis-à -vis the men there. Throughout the novel, Faulkner portrays Temple as feline or animal-like. When she objects to Gowan Stevens driving to Lee Goodwin’s in search of alcohol, he tells her, â€Å"Don’t get your back up, now†(37); and she is constantly springing from place to place and clawing at doors or blankets, as if she were an agile and jumpy cat. When Goodwin finds her crouching in the corner of his kitchen he lifts her â€Å"by the scruff of the neck, like a kitten†(52), and Popeye similarly grips her b...
Monday, September 16, 2019
“An Inspector Calls†By J B Priestley Essay
‘An Inspector Calls’, by J B Priestley, is a play in which he shows how the personalities of two characters can contrast against each other. In this essay I intend to show how the characters Mr Birling and his daughter Sheila contrast to show two views, which contrast on the death of a young woman, caused by the actions of the Birling family. ‘An Inspector Calls’ is set in 1912, in the dining room of the Birling family. The play opens with the Birling’s and Gerald Croft celebrating Sheila and Gerald’s engagement. From this we are able to learn that they are quite well off as they are able to afford to throw a party, unlike most at this time. Once we are a few pages into the play an Inspector calls and commences to explain that a young woman has died, by committing suicide by drinking a bottle of bleach. As the play progresses the Inspector questions the actions of all the Birlings. At the beginning of Act One, we are given a few brief details about Mr Birling by the author. We are told that he is a ‘heavy-looking, rather portentous man in his middle fifties with fairly easy manners but rather provincial in his speech†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This suggests that he is a man of high standards and significance and is quite well mannered, but he is actually a man of low sophistication and a man who is not well educated. Priestley shows all of this by making Birling a ‘single-minded’ man who won’t adopt any new ideas like the ‘higher-class’ mixing with the ‘lower-class’ people. Birling is not a very likable man as he is very vulgar and unsociable towards others. His first thought is to make money to overwhelm his family in whatever way he can, and this usually means being harsh. He is mainly out for financial gain or else to improve his reputation. Birling is very ignorant about the real world and real matters; he is a selfish person. Priestley has deliberately made Birling unreliable by using ironic references to the impossibilities and the progress of mankind; Priestley has used the war (still to come) and the Titanic as examples of mankind (the actual failures). Birling believes that the route to success is through the world of business and social reputation. He has a very high opinion of himself and has strong beliefs: ‘A man has to make his own ways’ Birling will only consider a man to be true if he has made his own way up the ‘ladder’ from the bottom with little or no help. Although he may be ‘single-minded’ and doesn’t pay much attention to his family, he is still a successful businessman and has made his own honest approach to life. But with this in mind he still lacks refinement and good taste and he will not have anything done to connect the death of Eve to the family as this may dirty the name of the family. In contrast to Birling, Priestley has created the character of Sheila. She is still very like Birling in the way of reputation and greed for money, but she is able to adopt new ideas and cultures, she also seems more in touch with the apparent world. She is living life to the full at the moment before she gets tied down in her marriage to Gerald, which she doesn’t seem to be very interested in. She is a very happy with her position in life at the moment, although she may have been pressurised into the engagement, for her fathers gain, she is still however looking forward to her wedding. Sheila has a bubbly personality that is only going to get destroyed by her family’s greed and actions. Once Sheila learns of Eve’s death she is devastated that a young woman of her age has died, but once she sees the photograph the guilt hits her, as she knows that her actions may have contributed to her death. From this point we learn that Sheila is actually a very jealous person and could be a ‘spoilt brat’ as she will use her high standing position to get what she wants: ‘I went to the manager of Milliards and I told him that if they didn’t get rid of that girl, I’d never go near the place again†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Here she has used her upstanding and her father’s reputation to get what she wants. She knows this will work as they are consid ered to be of importance to locals and who will try to satisfy their needs. She disagrees with her father as they both look at this different and see it different. Sheila soon learns from this mistake and matures as she says that: ‘It’s the only time I’ve ever done anything like that, and I’ll never, do it again to anybody’ She may say that she is going to learn from her mistakes but she is not very trust worthy and it is difficult for someone to change from what they have always grown up with but she seems genuine and she may well change from this experience. By the end of the investigation Sheila realises that she has the responsibilities for others in the community as well as her self and her family. Priestley has made Sheila’s character represent the In conclusion I think that ‘An Inspector Calls’ is a great play, which shows how two characters can contrast with each other on a the death of Eve Smith. By the end of the play we learn that Mr Birling hasn’t changed his views at all as he still is out for financial gain and to make a better reputation for the family, but Sheila does change from realising that there is more to life than looking after yourself and family and that having a high reputation is not all that you have to look out for; you have to look after the community also. They play ends with a spectacular ending as Gerald phones the Infirmary, only to find out there was no death and the Inspector wasn’t real. They then realise that it was all a hoax, but once they realise this they receive a phone call from the Infirmary to say that a young woman has committed suicide by drinking a bottle of bleach.
Comparing Ancient and Classical Art Essay
Ancient and classical art comes in all different shapes and sizes of visual experience. In this paper we explore into the making and design of two unique architectural buildings, Stonehenge and The Great Stupa at Sanchi. These two fascinating buildings were built in different eras from BCE to CE and yet have many similarities, and as well carry distinct differences between the cultural values and the purpose they were intended. This paper will also focus on the area’s region and the functions these two artifacts carry in our culture in the present day. The Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England. The Stonehenge is made up of many different size stones. The heal stone alone is 16ft tall, weighing 35 tons. When the sun sets, this stone casts a shadow towards the main circle of stones. There are two smaller stones known as the â€Å"Avenue†, which are lined up and these also cast a shadow in the direction of the circle. There are 2 stones that follow the â€Å"Avenue†, that stand next to each other, almost like an entrance to the outer circle of stones. The two stones are known as the â€Å"slaughter stone†. The slaughter stones were believed to be a place of human sacrifice. The main circle of stones are known as â€Å"The Sarsen Circle†. These stones are set in a circle and supported by tenon joints. The circles of stones are also circled by the outer bank, which is a 330ft in diameter and is the oldest construction in the area. In the middle of the circle consists of five trilithons. These stand 22ft above ground and are 8ft below ground level. The weight of these stones is 50 tons. In the inner circle is also the â€Å"Altar Stone†, this is made of smooth, green sand stone, which is known as one of the most recognizable stones at Stonehenge. The main circle of stones, have smaller stones inside, which also form an inner circle and these are known as â€Å"Bluestone Circle†. The Stonehenge was believe to be built in 2750-1500 BCE. The stupa sits on a hilltop in central India. The stupa consists of four gateways and each gateway has decorations that tell a story in regards to the life of Buddha. The shape of the stupa is dome shaped and is surrounded by a fence to limit distractions during the meditation period. The dome has an upper and lower pathway. The lower path represents the path of life and the upper representing enlightenment. The top of the dome has an umbrella, which is a tower of three discs, smaller at the top and bigger at the bottom. All three discs represent something different, from top to bottom, Buddha, his teachings and the community of Buddhist. The Stupa was built over 400 years, but most of its completion was in 15CE. The Stonehenge World Heritage spans ten miles around the famous site of Stonehenge. The region is also known as the Salisbury Plains as the location is grassy and flat. This Neolithic artwork in the United Kingdom is a famous destination for many individuals around the world. Unlike the region in which Stonehenge is located, the Great Stupa at Sanchi rests upon a hilltop in central India. Sanchi, which stands for small village is located in the Raisen district of the Madhya Pradesh (â€Å"Sanchi City Travel Guide†, n.d.). The surroundings of the Stupa is calm and restful and it is surrounded by hills, trees, and other types of vegetation. Many individuals still visit this religious site along with other temples and stupas located in this region. Scientists believe that it took over 600 individuals to create the famous Stonehenge monuments. This was because some of the rocks weighted some 50 tons. Great teamwork by the Neolithic people of Britain is attributed to the creation of Stonehenge. The great emperor Ashoka of Maurya is the creator of the Great Stupa at Sanchi although this site was rediscovered in 1818 by a British officer. It was then that the site was reconstructed to the condition that is in today. It is believed that that Ashoka created this and many other stupa in the area to divide relics of Buddha after his passing (â€Å"Stupa†, 2013). Their designs are circular, which is the first thing that viewers notice. With the huge stones used to build the Stonehenge and the complexity of The Great Stupa at Sanchi, it definitely would have taken teamwork to get the jobs done. As the Closer Look states, â€Å"The stupa was built over a period of 400 years†(Closer look n.d.) and the Stonehenge took hundreds of people’s cooperation to build. These many groups of people probably valued socialism and teamwork in their cultures. With their hard work they completed something bigger than themselves which probably made the activity that more valua ble and special. The Closer look suggests that the Stonehenge was a burial ground due to the discoveries of human remains. According to Mike Parker-Pearson, â€Å"Villagers would have transported their dead down an avenue leading to the River Avon, then journeyed downstream, in a ritual symbolizing the passage to the afterlife, finally arriving at an avenue leading up to Stonehenge from the river.†(Closer Look n.d.) As for The Great Stupa at Sanchi, it represented Buddha’s life and was also a place for meditation. The Stonehenge and The Great Stupa at Sanchi have one obvious similarity; they both are made of stone and they took many of years to complete. These two works of art are very different from one another. The Stonehenge purpose is unknown still to this day. There are guesses and assumptions but there is no known fact about what it was used for. The Great Stupa at Sanchi was used for meditation purposes and where pilgrims would try to achieve harmony with Buddha and his life pat h. The Stonehenge was seen a great place to socialize but on the other hand, The Great Stupa at Sanchi was used by people to be peaceful, quiet, and calm. This great place is a relic of Buddha, and is used to worship him, as well as other Buddhist Gods. These two historical places, architecture could not be any more different. The Stonehenge is made of many separate stone setups that make up a circle and The Great Stupa at Sanchi is a dome shape to represent the earth. These two works of art, Great Stupa at Sanchi and the Stonehenge, both still have a function in today’s culture. They both are not physically used by everyone like they once were, but people are still able to see them in person. They are now tourist attractions which help others understand what they are, how they were, utilized, and more about each culture in that era. In conclusion, when we compare the architectural values and the visual description of each artwork, we find that they both hold a special meaning to the time and era of its making. It can range from religious interpretation to the never ending mysteries that these attractions hold. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Whatever their original designs were meant for, whether it is human sacrifice or to leave a piece of art that would last through the ages, it is undoubtedly part of the power that ancient and classical art hold. So knowing the designer, the builders, and geographic locations of these pieces all play a part in their signature, it still leaves the world debating on whether it is even human design or that of a much more advanced race. References Closer look. (n.d.). Retrieved from Sanchi City Travel Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from pradesh/city-guides/sanchi.aspx Stupa. (2013). Retrieved from University of Phoenix.(2010). A World of Art, Ch.17. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, ARTS230 website.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Race Based Jury Nullification Essay
Jury nullification can generally be termed as the act by a jury who even though is convinced that a defendant is guilty of the charges he or she is accused of, decides to give out or acquit him or her of the charges for the jury’s own reasons (Brandy R. 2006). Jury nullification or for that matter can be defined as a process whereby the jury(s) nullifies â€Å"unfair laws by declaring guilty defendants not guilty†. On the other hand race based jury nullification involves the process of a jury acquitting an individual based on his or her race. This kind of cases is usually found in homogenous cases where the diversity of the jury is nil or very little. Earlier cases that include runaway slave laws as well as the present day cases like police shootings indicate that race based nullification is still a modern day courtroom issue. The nullification process usually takes place in the event that a criminal trial decides not to convict a defendant in spite of full proof of guilt due to the belief and view by jurors that the law is unfair or at certain times that there is an unjustly application of the said law. The basis of the nullification can be said, thus, to be â€Å"the unjustness of the law†, the application of the same law on the basis of race of a party. Additionally there are instances where cases that involve the terminally ill persons in the society are often given leniency by the jurors, when they do drugs due to their condition. The issue often is not just about nullification per se but at times is based and as such has brought a lot o debate on its essence in view of the law as well as ethics. In this paper, I will discuss the issue of race based jury nullification, its limitations as well as its merits. Finally I will evaluate the relevance of race based jury nullification in our present day society. Race based jury nullification Race based jury nullification involves the process of a jury knowingly acquitting a defendant based on his or her race and with the full knowledge that the defendant is guilty. There are empirical studies, which have shown that about 3 to 4 percent of jury criminal trails have been connected to jury nullification. The dilemma that the situation presents is overwhelming, considering that there exists no chance to stop the process of jury nullification as jurors and are never ordered or forced to convict defendants and also there is also no clause in law that makes it punishable for the juror to acquit someone. The overlying principle function of the jury is that it should complete the law, if necessary through the recognition of fundamentals of justification that traverses beyond the written laws of the land and not to â€Å"nullify†the instructions given by the judge. The focal point of reference when the jurors give the â€Å"not guilty†verdict and in the process is the issue of unjust nature of the law. Pros and cons Depending on which side of the debate you are on, this issue has both the ugly and the good side. There are various reasons why race based jury nullification has encountered criticisms even by its ardent supporters. One, the case can be used for majority cases, that is in instances where the jury consists largely of persons from the same race can effectively acquit one of their â€Å"own†(defendant from the same race). For instance, a largely constituted black jury would free a black American even tough she or he has committed a severe crime. Thus in view of the law, when a dangerous individual is acquitted on the basis of his or her race sets a bad precedence (Jemal, 1997). There are instances when white jurors have acquitted fellow whites through the process of jury nullification while in the face of it the said defendants actually engaged in an illegality that either harmed black or brown people in America. There are also instances when black jurors have freed fellow blacks on the basis of their races while they committed either a racial act or a severe crime. This has not helped the just course of the due process, blacks, whites as well as other races have engaged in the race based jury nullification, something that does not portend well for rules of the law. The nature with which the voting is normally done by the jurors is usually that of conscience, to an extent this is a total disrespect if not abuse of the laws of this land. When someone who is supposedly guilty is acquitted, this is tantamount to nullification of the very law. They are supposed to protect and on whose basis the jury even came into existence. Jury nullification has the potential to turn an otherwise coherent and cohesive society or state into some hostile, incoherent or even lead to civil strife. This is because when serious acts are committed, and rulings are based on races, the respective races may gang up against each other. It seems to be a defeat process in the face of the law that should be the guardian and protector of all. The most often conclusion drawn is usually that nullification is an integral part of power, which is essential for the checks and balances of the judicial system. Jury nullification has and will continue to play a dual role in the history of our country. There are certain instances in our history that jury nullification has proved to be a useful tool. For instance, in those cases that involved slavery or differential prosecution at certain instances let racist to go unabated. There is the possibility that over use of this power together with other real or imagined risks that it possess would be enormous if everyone were to understand and be aware of it. However, the absence of it would put and vest too much power with the executive and surely everyone else understands the consequences of excessive unbalanced power exercised by the government versus the power of the common citizens. Conclusion Overall, the race based jury nullification has been, still is and would always be a very highly debatable topic, whether one supports it or he or she is against it. In each and every argument put forward by anyone in the society for or against jury nullification process, there are strong, valid opinions and facts in support of the various respective reasons that cannot just be wished away. Having evaluated the situation, and with a critical analysis of the basis of the law of our great country, I came to a conclusion that with due respect the good job the jurors have done so far, the race based jury nullification should not be conducted or at least cordoned by the jurors. This does not mean that I am in anyway opposing or rejecting the whole idea of jury nullification. However, if the element of race becomes apart of the whole equation, then I strongly call for its ban. In my opinion and understanding of our history I believe jury nullification based on a defendant’s race does not promote unity within communities at any level. Considering the tremendous efforts our country has made towards a harmonious community and with the effort various personalities have put in educating and sensitizing people on how negative race based ideas has and can be. I believe the whole process is discriminatory and basically racial to the people in our society. This does not in any way mean that individuals should be ashamed of their races and promotes the values and ideals they stand for, but when a defendant is found guilty or innocent on the basis of the law by the jurors based on his or her race alone then there is a problem. Either the problem is with the law or our society but none of us wants either of these two scenarios. The basis for any juror’s decision should be facts, information as well as evidence that they receive throughout the trail. Jurors prejudices be it racial or otherwise should be left at their door steps before they get into the streets leave alone the courtrooms. Reference: Brandy Rivera, 2006, Race based jury nullification. Associated Content Cato Books 1999: Jurors Should Know Their Rights: A historical look at jury independence Jemal, 1997, Race Based Jury Nullification: A Path To Equality! http://www. geocities. com/athens/olympus/1320/nullification. htm Scheflin, Alan W. , (1999) California Bar Journal, Point Counter Point – Is it ever proper for juries to ignore or reinterpret the law? , Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. calbar. ca. gov/calbar/2cbj/99mar/page14-1. htm
Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Clean Well Lighted Place- Ernest Hemmingway Summary
â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†Theme Analysis â€Å"I wouldn't want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing. †â€Å"Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him. †-Ernest Hemmingway The story written by Ernest Hemmingway tells of a deaf old man who is in conversation with others at a cafe in the late night hours. The others in the story’s setting share a significant difference of age and opinion. It seems they depict their ages as stages of life. The story contains a lot of noteworthy symbols, behaviors and decisions that give us hints as to what the story is supposed to represent. Characters within the story are divided into four age groups, each having different characteristics and behaviors, however all waiting for their time to in which they face the inevitable and depart from the physical realm of living and into what follows. The old man is described as a deaf and depressed man who tried to take his life away a week prior the story’s setting. It is said in the story the man is financially stable and is a frequent guest in the cafe that is well lighted and clean, unlike bars or bodegas . The story also is able to show the old man’s loneliness, sadness, and distress. Also, the waiters are sharing significant differences between them; the young waiter is in a hurry to leave work and go home to his wife, he is unsympathetic for the old man, he shows a disliking to him, and displays disgust towards the idea of getting old and the old man himself. It seems as if the young bartender has no appreciation for the old man life and holds no regard to it. Unlike the older bartender who tries to understand the old man’s condition and is curious of his suicide attempt. The older waiter himself is not in the hurry, after leaving work he goes to the bar to get a drink and then finally falls asleep upon the dawn. The last characters, however not as significant but symbolic, are a young soldier and a young girl who are just strolling through the street at night. The story reveals interesting patterns based on the age of characters. The young couple strolling through the street at night gives us as an image of how young people are free and independent. Having their whole life in front of them, they explore their surroundings, strive for new experiences and enjoy life without taking a break to stop and think where it is leading. The young bartender is a described to be in the next level in life. He is probably one or perhaps two decades older then the soldier and young girl. Hemmingway gives us indirect hints of the characteristics in which a middle stage life in an adult would exhibit. The young bartender is in a hurry to leave the cafe and go home to his wife. â€Å"I wouldn’t want to be that old†he says during the dialog with another bartender. At some point, upset about having to serve the old man who prevents him to close up the cafe and go home he even says, â€Å"He should have killed himself last week. †It shows how this character is captivated by own needs and wants. It shows his life as having purpose or meaning, time for himself, and an outlook for the future of him and his family. Perhaps, at this point of life, Hemmingway tries to tell us that people are confined within their own personal spaces, living a fast-paced life and trying to accomplish as much as possible with no little regard towards others. They do not look towards life’s philosophy and take that approach very lightly carefully avoiding the truth behind life, because they’re simply disgusted by it. Conceivably, materialistic good is a measure of happiness at that age. The conversation between him and the other bartender reveals that in his mind despair over life couldn’t be caused by anything but money. When the older bartender tells him he’s got everything – confidence, youth and work, the young bartender simply replies â€Å"Come on. Stop talking nonsense. . . .†The older bartender, no doubt, is closer emotionally to the old man. He is far from being in a hurry. The sight of the financially well old man who frequently stays until the last possible drink at the cafe, and has tried to commit suicide week before captivates him. In a way he can relate to the old man, and views him as someone who, like him, has contributed his time and life by years. He questions the younger bartender about circumstances around his suicide attempt as well as trying to defend the old man from arrogant opinions expressed by his co-worker. Why didn’t you let him stay and drink? †the old waiter asks the younger bartender when he refused to serve the old man anymore even though the time for closing was an hour away. Then he concludes â€Å"I am of those who do not want to go to bed. [I am] with all those who need a light for the night . . . We are two of different kinds. †The author leaves it to our imagination to interpret what the bartender mea nt by the â€Å"light†for the night however the distinction between two characters that is linked to their age is significant. The older waiter is slowly getting through the stage of life preceding that of the old lonely man. The â€Å"light†might be a symbol for the hope or motivation for the life to continue. Younger characters of the story did not have a need for that hope as they had everything – confidence, youth, work and most importantly – the time. The old man is the most important figure in the story. Even though he is not part of conversation and does not say more than simple words, he is a symbol of the last stage of one’s life. Hemmingway shows that stage as depressing, a lonely time in one’s life. He shows the old man as having realized the meaningless of life, the old man’s need to move on. The suicide attempt was significant as well as the fact that the old man was deaf, because it shows the man’s loneliness, his need to be with others, and is desperate attempt to end the silence, he feels he is confined to his own lonely thoughts by being deaf and wants nothing more than to end the silence with death, because death or life means nothing to him. The story is constructed in a very enlightening way; by including the different age groups and the different opinions of life and its worth to others. It is interesting to see the contrasting views of the individuals as they journey through life and all its experiences. Take the epigraph above; it shows to vivid contrast between the old and the young bartender. The young bartender shows his disgust in getting old, and his avoidance of it, while the old bartender in his quote shares his appreciation for maturity and the life’s worth. It is something to take from this story that as we all live to understand life and its meaning with different views and opinions, we share one thing in common and that is the inevitable.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Good Management in the Public Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Good Management in the Public Sector - Essay Example To achieve this, all barriers to good management in the public sector should be identified and done away with. After the barriers have been eliminated, the officials serving in the public sector should find ways through which they can improve the quality of both management and work life so that the public can enjoy the services available (13). One of the barriers that come in the way of good management in the public sector is too much red tape. Excessive bureaucratic tendencies have been known to bring whole organizations down to their feet. When compared to the private sector, there is a big difference in the way matters are handled in the public sector, where there are too many people who must approve of something before it goes through (Denhardt and Denhardt 35). This kind of rigid conformity to excessive regulation not only impacts negatively on management roles, it also hinders timely and relevant delivery or services to the general public. Bureaucratic tendencies are also a recipe for uncontrolled misuse of power by managers in different levels of the public sector (37). In this situation, it becomes hard for the officials on the ground to offer quality services to the people that the government is supposed to serve with diligence. Another common barrier to good management practices in the public sector is corruption. Corruption in government offices comes in many forms and can include irregular financial dealings and power corruption. Due to the lack of clear policies which can act as professional guidelines for managers and employees in government agencies, there is a lot of room for misappropriation or resources, including funds (Cohen, Eimicke and Heikkila 23). Managing such a work environment becomes tricky especially when it is considered that people are normally unwilling to fight against such practices. When finances are mismanaged, or when an individual uses his influence in
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Frankenstein - Essay Example or the reader to ignore the place of the author within her own text as Shelley, who portrays the image of avowed atheist, and makes the comparison of human development basing on contrary means encompassing both religious and secular relationships. At the end of the novel, through Frankenstein, the author completes that the moral and spiritual development is possible to attain best through the shading of dogmatic belief structures, which results to the elimination of God upon the attainment of self-realization. There are many ‘monstrous reflections’ in this entire text basing on the critical commentary. Frankenstein’s creature serves as the existence of his short existence, which results to the last freedom of the creature that occurs through the death of his creator. Even though a secular theme continues through the entire novel, it is also impossible to ignore the religious references and the biblical allusions, which provide the complex addition to the text that one could view as being the secular treatise basing on the dangerous nature of knowledge. Even though it can be possible to pare the text down into such non-religious terms, one cannot easily ignore that Frankenstein also contains the great deal of the biblical symbolism, evident particularly on the theme of outcast and the creation story. In the story, the monster is subject to portray as a sympathetic character, especially in regards to the contemporary reader. Through the biblical story, Adam causes his own fate through engaging in sin. His creator, Victor, goes ahead to cause the creature’s hideous existence, and it is through the grotesqueness that eventually leads to the spurning of the creature. It is only upon facing repeated rejection that leads the creature into becoming violent and thus deciding to seek revenge. The allegory of creation becomes clear to the reader right from the beginning of the novel. Despite lacking cultivation and learning through the morals and ethics of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Child Labor in Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Child Labor in Egypt - Essay Example One example of the central reasons behind the development includes; highly challenging living conditions. This reflects on the cost of living across Egypt. Apparently, the cost of living is hiking while the wages remain constant. Additionally, the necessities of life are never constant. Basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter are listed among the common expenses incurred by any population across the world. The increased cost of living has implicated increase expenses, with regards to basic survival. Families in Egypt have resulted into the adoption extreme adaptation measures in order to make extra coins for survival. Such measures include the embrace of eventualities such as child labour. A poor family with children in their middle age is forced to engage them into income earning activities in the quest of increasing the tally it accrues by the end of the day (Wahba 145). Other factors that are contributing to the development of these cases include the increased cost of basic education in Egypt. Unlike in several countries in the continent which have endorsed full or partial subsidise of basic or elementary education, Egypt is yet to adopt such measures on its education system. Parents living under challenged income eventuate into being unable to cater for basic education. This implies that their children can no longer engage into education since they are unable to sponsor them through the system. This development leads to the emergence of populations of increased school dropouts, or young children who are not attached to any schooling system. Presence of uncommitted children in a family is rather frustrating in accordance to their increased demands and necessities. This leads to a build-up of frustrations in the system, prompting the parents to seek for alternatives. Another fuelling factor over the topic of child labour is the benefits associated to their deployment. Their services are extremely cheap since they have reduced negotiation edges. T his is due to the fact that their presence is fuelled by the demands of their families, other than their personal needs. They, therefore, beg for opportunities since a day without will imply difficulties in survival back at home. The employers of child workers are fully conscious of this aspect. They instead readily embrace it towards their own gains. This includes exploitation of the young children since they have undermined defences. On average, an Egyptian child labourer earns an average 150 pounds (almost two US dollars) in a day. The girls are rather discriminated since they earn an average of 100 pounds in a day. This is irrespective of the equity in some of the tasks which they are anticipated to perform (El-Gabalawi 87). In some situations, the parents organize for their absorption, leading to reduced inconsideration or victimization in terms of wages. However, they are still subjected to several other risks. This includes the lack of employees cover to the rest of the labou rers. Such cover caters for various topics, amongst them medical and pension schemes. This implies that the children subjected to remunerative labour are not covered over the risks that may eventuate during their span of operation. This is inconsiderate, especially towards the children especially when considering the fact that children are the propellers of the future generation. Subjecting them to conditions that jeopardize their health
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Red Capitalism Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Red Capitalism Book Review - Essay Example It also gives readers an idea of how government runs China’s financial system and state-owned enterprises. It is interesting to note that unlike other developed countries, China tends to have a political system that is not stable. Renminbi is also not a convertible and internationally recognized currency. Chinese is also known for its high-context culture. It is hard to control and manage businesses without intervention by the party or government. It is claimed, â€Å"The Party is able to ensure its control over China’s most powerful business groups by having the power to appoint their top management†(Walter and Howie 193). The authors also point out how China wants to reform its financial systems in order to connect with other international firms and banks to attract investors to come by implementing international reporting standard. China’s economy in past 30 years definitely has grown from the primitive one to a more modernized and internalized one with effort of American investment bankers and implementation of international accounting, financial, legal system. Indeed, China is now proudly represented by 44 companies on the Fortune Global 500 list (Walter and Howie 11). The financial system is dominated by four big banks, which include Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, and Industrial, and Commercial Bank of China. These four banks also control 45% of China’s total financial assets. The Party wants these banks to support the SOEs in all circumstances (Walter and Howie 47). Banks are the main tools for the party to facilitate country’s economy growth. Bank lending and indirect financing seems to be the only way to achieve GDP growth and attract foreign investors. Surprisingly, the Big 4 banks increase their lending at nearly 20% per annum (Walter and Howie 51). The Party tells the bank to loan to the SOEs, but it seems that it is unable to tell the SOEs to repay the loans (Walter and Howie 47). Therefore, the balance
Monday, September 9, 2019
Role as a Supervisor in a Virtual Organization Essay
Role as a Supervisor in a Virtual Organization - Essay Example Likewise, these same traits have to be maintained when carrying out the role of trust building as no method of socialization is present; managers should substitute socialization with consistency and high responsiveness. Having an atmosphere is sharing and frequent feedback is critical in carrying out the role of a cultural facilitator within a virtual firm, as well. Virtual organizations consist of members who work in geographically disparate locations through technology with the aim of achieving common goals; such firms are usually cross-functional and tend to dwell on client needs. Virtual organizations have increased exponentially over the past decade owing to proliferation of the internet, travel restrictions arising from political or economic upheavals, and increased competitiveness. Supervisors carrying out this role have to contend with certain challenges and circumstances that are unique to the virtual environment; these issues shall be examined in detail subsequently and their relation to the supervisor role outlined. One thing that virtual supervisors must confront, which is almost absent in non - virtual organizations, is the issue of trust. When carrying out one’s responsibilities with other organizational members, it is critical to have trust amongst one another; usually, this is established through face-to-face interaction. Since virtual organizations have eliminated this form of contact, then supervisors have the additional duty of building trust among their subordinates using other methods. Research shows that effective supervisors are able to create trust in virtual environments by encouraging organizational members to become highly responsive to each other (Bradley, Benson, Gibson, Tesluk and McPherson, 2002). Feedback is the key behind sustaining a positive attitude towards one another even when people rarely get to meet each other. Additionally, since it is not possible to share meals or discuss personal matters through this
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