Thursday, December 26, 2019
Geology and Wildlife of the Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountain Range is an ancient band of mountains that stretches in a southwestern arc from the Canadian province of Newfoundland to central Alabama, the heart of southeastern United States. The highest peak in the Appalachians is Mount Mitchell (North Carolina) which lies at an elevation of 6,684 feet above sea level. Habitat Classification The habitat zones found within the Appalachian Mountain Range may be classified as follows: Ecozone: TerrestrialEcosystem: Alpine / MontaneRegion: NearcticPrimary Habitat: Temperate forestSecondary Habitats: Mixed deciduous forest (also known as southern hardwood forest), southern Appalachian forest, transition forest, and boreal forest Wildlife The wildlife a person might encounter in the Appalachian Mountains includes a wide variety of animals: Mammals (moose, white-tailed deer, black bears, beaver, chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels, foxes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, groundhogs, porcupines, bats, weasels, shrews, and minks)Birds (hawks, woodpeckers, warblers, thrushes, wrens, nuthatches, flycatchers, sapsuckers, and grouses)Reptiles and amphibians (frogs, salamanders, turtles, rattlesnakes, and copperheads) Plants A hiker along the Appalachian Trail would see plenty of plant life as well. More than 2,000 species of plants are believed to live along the mountain range, with 200 species living only in the southern Appalachians. Rhododendron, azalea, and mountain laurel are among those producing flowers.A multitude of tree species includes red spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, buckeye, beech, ash, birch, red oak, white oak, poplar, walnut, sycamore, yellow poplar, buckeye, eastern hemlock, and chestnut oak.Mushrooms, ferns, mosses, and grasses also are abundant. Geology and History The Appalachians were formed during a series of collisions and separations of tectonic plates that began 300 million years ago and continued through the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras. When the Appalachians were still forming, the continents were in different locations than today, and North America and Europe had collided. The Appalachians were once an extension of the Caledonian mountain chain, a chain that is today in Scotland and Scandinavia. Since their formation, the Appalachians have undergone extensive erosion. The Appalachians are a geologically complex range of mountains that are a mosaic of folded and uplifted plateaus, parallel ridges and valleys, metamorphosed sediments and volcanic rock layers. Conservation The rich forests and coal veins provided industry to an often impoverished area. But the aftermath sometimes left areas of the Appalachians devastated with air pollution, dead trees, and acid rain. Several groups are working to conserve the habitat for future generations as the native species also face threats from urbanization and climate change. Where to See Wildlife The 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail is a favorite of hikers, running from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Main. Shelters are posted along the route for overnight stays, though it isnt necessary to hike the entire trail to enjoy its beauty. For those who would rather drive, the Blue Ridge Parkway runs 469 miles from Virginias Shenandoah National Park to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee. Some of the places you can see wildlife along the Appalachians include: Appalachian National Scenic Trail (stretches from Maine to Georgia)Cuyahoga Valley National Park (Ohio)Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina and Tennessee)Shenandoah National Park (Virginia)White Mountain National Forest (New Hampshire and Maine)
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Analysis Residency Requirements For Minor League...
Case Analysis 8.4: Residency Requirements for Minor League Hockey The following is a case study analysis on Case 8:4 Residency Requirements for Minor League Hockey. This particular case involves four individuals all of which were related in some way to the Canadian Hockey Association (CHA). Three of these parties in this case are hockey organizations. Those organizations are, the Minor Oaks Hockey Association (MOHA), Metro Toronto Hockey League (MTHL), and Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF). The fourth party in this particular case was the parents of the kids that felt as though their privacy was invaded. This particular case revolves around an article that was posted in the Toronto Star on March 16th, 1995 with the headline â€Å"Private Eye†¦show more content†¦MOHA provided video evidence that five players were ineligible. The video evidence was presented, parent were outraged because they felt like their privacy had been invaded. However, MOHA and MTHL had different views on the matter at hand. After the hearing the OHF custody p apers had to be obtained by September 10th deadline for future reference. As for the five young boys they were allowed to finish the remainder of the season (Malloy, 2003, pp. 153-154). Moreover, after reviewing this case, it can be firmly stated that there are several issues with in this particular case at need to be addressed. Oakville hiring a private investigator to stalk certain suspicious youth is one. The second is the video evidence that was presented, did not use any deceit. The video did not hide the teams the children played on nor did it hide the schools the children went to. Third and final issue with in this case is, the family’s privacy had been violated through the whole process. Subsequently, one must have a true understanding of what ethical and moral mean before; one can make an informed decision as to whether or not one of the issues mentioned above pertains to either word. Ethical can be defined as, with in rules, regulations, and standards for proper conduct or practice with in a specific profession (Webster, 2004). Moral is defined as or can be
Monday, December 9, 2019
Work Priorities and Professional Development †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Work Priorities and Professional Development. Answer: Introduction This report will my reflection on the performance outcomes, knowledge, and skills that are required in order to manage ones own professional and performance development, and, it will mainly focus on setting and meeting the priorities and analyzing information as well as using an array of strategies for developing further competence. Managing an organization is one of the most challenging tasks. From this course, I have learnt how to manage others effectively and what I need to be efficient enough to organize myself, and my employees or teammates and emphasis their work on those tasks that are important for the business. It includes developing knowledge and skills to fill the gaps that may exist and to improve your performance in your workplace. This essay will further elaborate on various designs that are basic yet fundamental skills in personal development and self-organization. It involves- identifying role models in the workplace, measuring and maintaining personal performance, managing change, maintaining professional competence, meeting your job responsibilities, seeking feedback and identifying the development opportunities. Role models in the workplace Throughout the course, I have learnt that managers serves as role models in the workplace (Bottomley, Burgess and Fox 2014). They have a significant effect on the work culture and the patterns of behavior. Human beings are social animals and we copy many of our behavior prompts from the people who are in positions of authority. This means that as a manager, I have a great influence on my team, I am a role model and it is my behavior, which will be highly observed and copied by the other team members. I have also learnt few simple ways of being an efficient role model and they are: A good role model listens more than he speaks. A good role model guides by example (Fransen et al. 2016). He follows the rules and regulations that he has implemented on others. Furthermore, I have learnt that a good role model or leader not only presents a cheerful greeting to all his customers but also to his teammates as well. However, it is also important that he must have a few greetings that are quite different in order to demonstrate it to his valuable customers. The course has also provided me with valuable tips on role modeling which I can implement in my near future. Some of them are- Being a manager (role model), I should never judge people and I must manage every individual separately. I should give constructive feedback, not, destructive. I should always encourage the employees and the teammates and never de-motivate them by giving them negative feedback every now and then. As a good manager, I must always keep a track of the events that are designed in order to improve the employees performance and not to punish or ridicule them. With the same, I have also learnt the importance of managing potential in the staffs. Measuring and maintaining personal performance- I have learnt that there is several key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used in order to measure the performance and work progress towards achieving the goals and business objectives and it must be reviewed on a regular basis. The performance reviews may include working relationships, work performance and basic job skills. Furthermore, I have learnt that the skill of managing personal time is an essential skill for the effective people. I have learnt about the importance of prioritization. Each one of us has our own priorities and it is an important skill. I should need to make the best use of my efforts and of my team. Prioritization is mostly essential at those times when time is limited but the demands are comparatively unlimited. With good prioritization, I could bring an order to the chaos and move on towards a successful ending. Without prioritization, I shall have too many challenging demands. It will assist me allocate my time where it is the most needed. The people who make sure to use these techniques on a daily basis are the highest achievers in all the field of success. The course have taught me the various tools and strategies in order to improve my time management skills, for example, making a list and setting deadline are the primary things that are to be done. The next are concentrating on one thing at a time, delegation, making use of the opportunities and rewarding. What I learnt from the overview of the course is that the time management skills are like a pair of jeans. You have to try several pairs before finding the one that fits right. Technology used to manage, prioritize and organize work Workplaces are becoming more and more dynamic with the increase in demands (Ozcelik 2015). Hence, the businesses today are depending more on technology in order to process the information. From the course, I have gained much knowledge than I actually explain. I have learnt that there are many technological tools, which I can use to improve my performance in order to meet the organizational objectives. I must make sure that I use appropriate technology for managing my work and meet my commitments. Like, for more efficiency in my computer system, I must create directories or folders for the electronic documents and for the emails and faxes. I should also file all the electronic documents in a correct folder and put the most used directories on my desktop. Other applications like database, word processor, online services, project management, electronic diaries and mobile technology must be used correctly. This shall further improve my effectiveness and efficiency. I will use the electronic diaries or mobile technology in order to accommodate in the efficient and effective running of my business. This shall also help me keep a record of the appointments, phone calls, meetings and contacts. The main advantages that I would get from the technology are- I could search, find and edit the information easily, I could set reminders for the appointments as well, I could view the data as I need. I have also learnt about the importance of managing the project management tools. I can develop the tools for project management by the programs such as Visio and Microsoft Project. The visual diagrams are appropriate for decision-making process. During this course, I have gained the concept of Visio and Microsoft as well. I understood that the Visio produces diagrams, concept and mind maps and flow charts. Throughout the course, I have learnt that feedback is a crucial element in the professional development. It provides an opportunity to adjust the goal difficulty, illuminate expectations and gain recognition as well. Providing benchmark opportunities and targets are very important for individual to diagnose how they are doing in the workplace. Maintaining appropriate work-life balance I have learnt that effectiveness and efficiency will be improved when I tend to maintain an appropriate work and life balance. I have learnt that reducing stress will allow me to manage my energy and efficiency as well. Less stressed workforce and increased concentration increases productivity. The work-life balance policies is to be supported by the respective workplace culture that reflects the values, beliefs and the norms of the entire organization, right from the CEO to the staff members. I have also learnt about the other important factors that are equally responsible for success in the work/life balance policies. They include raising awareness the policies, proper communication about the policies to present as well as future employees and training of the managers on how to execute those policies. I have learnt that applying these policies and practices can facilitate the entire person who is responsible for taking care of their elderly parents, the person who has several study commitments, the old employees who want to palliate themselves into the retirement or those with other different personal commitments. It is very important to schedule the process of the time available to me and hence, plan on how I shall use it to achieve my goals that are identified earlier. By doing this, I would understand what I could realistically achieve with that time and minimize the stress by avoiding over-commitment to others. Hence, it will allow me to manage my commitments, while leaving me with some time to do other important things as well. Recommendation To ensure that your work goals are sufficient enough, compare them with companys plans, with your personal plans that are planned for the future and with all the responsibilities that you face. Ensure that you measure your personal performance on a daily basis. Ensure that everything you do is a step closer to achieving your goals. Be sure that you take time in every three months in order to review your goal lists. Your personal goals and your work goals must be aligned in some manner. Make sure that the goals that you have set are positive one. Make sure that your goals are written down. Make your goals small. Make your goals performance oriented and your goals realistic. Conclusion Finally, I realized that effective prioritizing and scheduling is all about getting the most important work done first. The course is fascinating and I have learned lot. I have acquired much knowledge about the various traits of an effective leader and the various tools that are required to boost the efficiency in the workplace. I also learned about how to meet job responsibilities and how I can manage and measure my performance in the workplace. I am sure that this course have provided me with ample of knowledge about the business culture and I will make an effective use of these knowledge in my near future. In fact, I have already started to implement the lessons that I have learned from the course in my professional and personal life as well. References Bottomley, K., Burgess, S. and Fox III, M., 2014. Are the behaviors of transformational leaders impacting organizations? A study of transformational leadership.International Management Review,10(1), p.5. Fransen, K., Vanbeselaere, N., De Cuyper, B., Vande Broek, G. and Boen, F., 2016. When is a leader considered as a good leader? Perceived impact on teammates confidence and social acceptance as key ingredients.Athletic Insight: Online Journal of Sport Psychology, pp.In-press. Ozcelik, G., 2015. Engagement and retention of the millennial generation in the workplace through internal branding.International Journal of Business and Management,10(3), p.99.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Hewlett Packard Company Data Management
Problems described in the case study The Hewlett Packard Company (HP) faces the problem of data management especially in the Information technology departments. Data management has brought about the main problem of the company’s expenditure overall issue. Initially the control and processing of data occurred at various terminals where the system directs one’s request to particular points of concern. This is a major hit to management because of the encountered delays, loss of information as well as total inaccessibility or important data or information.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Hewlett Packard Company Data Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The issue of data warehousing entails the architectural, algorithmic and protocols used in managing data or information. In line with the HP case study, the expenditures were high due to unstructured information technology setting, exaggerated systems in terms of number of hubs involved, amount of servers as well as information infrastructure. Factors facilitating the problem Evidently, from the case analysis, the processing and exchange of information at the HP Company occurred from various processing points as opposed to single repository and processing unit. The excess expenditures were because of multiple systems covering processes meant for one multitasking system. The management failed to deliver due to lack of synthesized system where information is output within the least possible time for use in decision-making. If the managers make judgment from stale and unprocessed data, then the cost is eventually economical. Hewlett Packard Company (HP) solutions to the problem HP came up with the central data depository system referred to as the â€Å"mega data warehouse†, which has now become prominent theory in the database world, where direct querying and analysis of information occurs in real time. This has been a major boost on the decision-making procedures since the manager does not require waiting for data to make precise conclusions. Initially as indicated in the case study, the managers were not in a position of finding important information such as the total expenses or total sales for the Information technology department. The system allows for advance extraction of information for translation and production of appropriate output. Comparison of information from other sources is easily for the enterprise when access is from a central point.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The logical centralized repository reduces the dormant terminals by converging processes, which can be multi-processed. One major advantage of the central warehousing of data includes evaluation of data. Posting of queries involve direct evaluation at the repository without a need for referencing other origi nal or raw sources. How HP database experience and technology will assist in developing an all-inclusive warehouse Many companies have tried to implement the centrally handled database system without much success. The success of HP enterprise-wide data warehouse brought many benefits to not only the business but also the clients and other companies. HP Company implemented the â€Å"Neoview management and monitoring tool†which was of great help to others like the Wal-Mart to manage information from there retail outlets and the Bon-Ton companies. The single warehousing system is therefore appropriate for the clients who require specific or prediction of parts of accessible information and for those who require high query performance since it offers better high accessible speeds. The requirements for high-speed inquiry from multiple sources of the organization’s information requires a warehouse that offers multi-source queries executions since data resides and processing is at the same point. How Neoview assists HP and other clients in creating enterprise-wide data warehouses The need for central data warehousing seem to originate from company’s need and desire to decompose all the data to a middle point for ease in management, processing and analysis. People wish to decouple their internal and private data from the internet sources such as the web. With the current advancement of technology online data exchange, transfer and processing poses grate risk to important or confidential information. One of the primary uses of data warehousing is to allow complex analytical processes involving complex queries within a limited period. The wide data warehouse implementation procedure To implement such a warehouse there is urgent need to connect all the existing terminals and collect data to the central repository. Any notable or client’s requested changes over data type need reporting to the integrator. One of the common cause of failure on i mplementation of such system lies on the implementers/integrators. For any complex and technologically advanced system, the company ought to consider experts or professionals services. To avoid its collapse, the users also need training before they begin working on the system.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Hewlett Packard Company Data Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The system integrators should consider the best style to use for instance having a prototype before the main system, or parallel implementation where the old system runs concurrently with the new system until the company achieves full integration as opposed to changing to the new system directly. This essay on The Hewlett Packard Company Data Management was written and submitted by user Jaeden Franklin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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